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She whined near my ear.

Angad-What happened Princess??
I asked as l rubbed my eyes.

Meera-I want...
She started.

I asked, cutting her off.

Meera-No.. l want....
She started, again.

Angad-Wait!! Let me guess.... Pani Puri!!?
I asked.

Meera-Your gonna get flying Chappals now!!
She said, giving me a death glare.

Angad-Ok!! Chill!! Tell me what you want...
I said as l sat on the bed.

Meera-I want Maggiiii!!
She squealed and trust me when l say her mood swings are the hardest to handle but this looks like an easy one.

Angad-That's it!?
I asked. Confirming it as well. She nodded with a huge smile. I smiled.

Angad-Let me wash my face and be right back...
I said and she nodded again. I quickly washed my face and came back. She opened her arms widely and l chuckled. I carried her in my arms and she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my torso.

Angad-Only Maggi!?
I asked. She hummed as she played with my already messed up hair. I smiled as l settled her on the slab and went in search of the instant noodles.

Angad-Are we out of stock Princess!?
I asked as l searched the drawers.

She squealed and l hit my forehead on the drawer.

Angad-Why didn't you tell me before!?
I asked as l went to her.

Meera-I didn't know you was searching for it!!
She said and pouted. I sighed.

Angad-I'll go get it and be right back!!
I said.

Meera-I wanna come!!
She whined.

I said and grabbed my car keys. She happily interwined her hands with mine getting off the slab. I smiled. We left to the nearby store which does it's service for 24*7. I got the instant noodles, quickly and we drove back home.

Meera- I am hungry!!
She said as she quickly got herself comfortable on the slab with my help.

Angad-Relax!! It would be done in sometime!!
I said and she nodded, pouting. I chuckled and got into work.

Meera-Don't put green peas!!
She said, quickly as l was gonna put it after the carrot.

I said, sternly.

She whined.

I started but was cut off by her.

Meera-Monday is green day!! You are the one who put the timetable!!
She said, rolling her eyes.

Angad-That doesn't mean you'll not eat green's on other days!!
I said. It's a tough job to get her eat greens such that l even had to put a timetable for that.

Angad-Oh!! No! See the peas fell inside!! I did nothing!!
I said after l wantedly put the green content in the hot oil.

Meera-I Hate You!!
She said.

Angad-Awwww!! I Love You too!!
I said, pissing her off. She rolled her eyes as l put the cooked noodles in the bowl. I took a spoonful of food and blew air to the hot food before l gave it to her.

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