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You'll make a great Mother One day....


We are hanging out at Darshan's home today. I and Anu also got to know eachother very well and shared a Brother, Sister bond.

Darshan-Stop giving Stupid ideas Asad!!
He whined, rolling his eyes.

Asad-Come on!! My ideas are fabulous!! Your just Jealous!!
He said and pouted. I chuckled.

Darshan-Just Get Lost!! Your eating my head now!!
He whined.

He said, smugly.

Darshan-I have to go hit my head somewhere!! Why did l even ask you an idea!!
He said.

Angad-Any help l can do!?
I asked.

Asad-Oh No!! We are really Sorry Angad!! We do banters like that and forget the people around us!!
He said and l chuckled.

I said.

Darshan-I just need a romantic Idea to Propose Anu.....
He said and l grinned.

Asad-But l was giving ideas to announce that your left hand's bone is broken!!
He said and l chuckled.

Darshan-When did l break my left hand you stupid Doctor!?
He asked, irrtated.

Asad-Last Year!!
He said and l laughed hard.

Darshan-Enough now Asad!! Shut your mouth or go search for Siya!!
He said.

Asad-Great Idea!! Byeee....
He said and left from here, running to his to be wife. I laughed again.

He said.

Angad-Just Simple... Decorate a place and propose her on your knees. Make sure the surrounding and everything is as per Anu's taste.
I said and he grinned.

Darshan-What if l do it at the Evening!?
He asked.

Angad-Yeah!! It would be great!!
I said and he smiled.

Darshan-Thank you Bro!!
He said as he bumped his fists with mine.

Angad-Mention Not!! Just let me know if you need any help!!
I said.

Darshan-Ok!! But don't tell Shaa or Ra!!
He said and l nodded. He happily went away to make his and Anu's evening special. I smiled thinking about Meera. Where is she!?
I thought and stood up. I went in search of her and saw her on the balcony with a little baby boy. I went to the balcony and snaked my arms around her waist.

I said as l left a kiss on her neck.

Meera-You scared me Idiot!!
She said, clutching the baby close to her.

Angad-I am Sorry!!
I said.

Meera-That's fine.....
She said, smiling while the little one stared at us innocently.

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