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Let me scare you off Donkey!! Wait and Watch!!


Composing myself I made my way towards the man who is waiting for me. God Damn!! Just look at him!!
How much junk does he eat in a day?? And to add on he is adding more junk. He happily, looked at the scenery stuffing more Jalebi's in his mouth and I made a face. Ok. It's God's creation!! No taunt in that but come on!! Me with a guy like him!! No way!
I stood infront of him gave him a nervous smile.

Man-Oh.... You came. Myself Harshal Singhania!!
He intoduced himself with a mouth full of Jalebi's and I cringed at the sight. I get it now. This is why there were soo many boxes of sweets. He forwarded his sweet sticky hands for a handshake while I nervously played with the material of my dress.
How can I deny it?? How can I?? IDEA!!
I joined my hands infront of him and smiled, saying.

Meera-Nice to meet you!! Myself Meera Malhotra!!

Harshal-I know that!!
He said and I suppressed the urge to punch his flabby face. Then why did you ask dumbo??

Harshal-See l have some rules before you be my wife okay??
He asked I didn't nod as I didn't want him to continue but this idiot continued talking.

Harshal-See Meera!! My family have plenty of money to secure the next ten generations!! So just one condition. Leave your job!! Be a free guy like me!! You'll get all the luxuries at your feet.
He said and he should feel lucky that I didn't push him off the terrace. Come on! Do nothing but eat like him and go fat like an elephant!?
Mostly everyone supports in Girl's freedom and independence but this idiot before me is telling me not to work!! Wow!!

Harshal-We can live a happy life without doing anything!!
He said giving a teasing smile and I cringed even more. Suddenly some of my cousins came with two more big plates of sweets and kept it beside him.
He grinned wide and I glared at my cousins who brought the sweets. They looked confused but still went down leaving the two of us alone.

Meera-But money comes today and goes tomorrow Mr.Singhania!! We never know when we would become a poor person from the Richie rich person we were!!
I said and that didn't go well with him.

Harshal-Come on Meeru!! We can enjoy life!! Think about it!!
Urghhh!! It sends shivers down my spine when he call me ' Meeru '.

Meera-No Harshal Ji!! I've thought about it!! I am an independent woman!! I want to do what I want. Not live like some fatso who does nothing instead fill his stomach all the time!!
I said polietly pointing it out towards him indirectly.

Harshal-We'll leave about that and think about it later!!
He said putting some handful of laddoo's in his mouth. Is it a mouth or a door!!? It opens this wide??

Harshal-What do you do??
I rolled my eyes. Why does everyone come to this point at last??

Meera-I work as a Manager in my Dad's company!!
I said.

Harshal-I know that!! Tell me something I don't know. How much are you paid?? And you have to leave the job once you get married to me sweetheart!! Coz my Mother doesn't like her daughter-in-law working and so do I!!
He said and I fisted my hands, glaring at him.

Meera-Look Harshal Ji!! We are getting married!! This isn't a marriage settlement that you ask about the amount and stuff!!
I said, calmly. Marry him!! Never!! I just said it as an example.

Harshal-Leave that!! We are ending up in the same topic again!! What are your hobbies??
He asked, wiping his sweet filled mouth with the back of his hand. Let me scare you off Donkey!! Wait and watch!!

Meera-Nothing much!!
I said, nonchalantly as I sat on the swing. Far from him.

Meera-My hobbies are drinking and smoking. You know what Harshal ji!! I've literally tried all brands of alcohol!! You know that new vodka!! Oh God!! It tastes heaven!!
I said, dreamily. Making some lie hobbies up. I don't even know about alcohol and here am I talking like a professional drunkard.

Meera-And listen to me!! I'll tell only you about me clean and clear before hand itself!! I work because I need money for all these Alcohol and Cigarattes!! You know what!! l have a Boyfriend whom I pair up with and do these illegal stuff!! We literally you know.... umm that's personal!! I cannot tell it!! I've even aborted our baby twice by now!! By now those two babies will be in heaven.
I said, wiping my fake tears and looked at him sadly. The grinder mouth which was grinding the sweets non stop had stopped it's work and was now open wide. His eyes ready to fall out of his sockets and I smirked, knowing my plan worked perfectly as I wanted it to.

Harshal-Behan!! When are you getting married to your Boyfriend??
He asked changing the topic and I smirked grew wider at my victory.

Meera-Aren't we getting married Harshal Ji??
I asked, innocently trying hard not to laugh.

Harshal-No!! No way!! How can I marry my younger sister?? And more than anything you have a Boyfriend whom you love hopelessly!!
He said and stood up from the chair resulting the chair to creak.

Harshal-I'll go down and say I didn't like you!! Bye Behan!! Have a happy life.
He said at once and ran away. I laughed out loud clutching my stomach. Pulling myself together, I walked downstairs innocently and stood before all of them.

Mrs.Singhania-What is wrong Harshu!? Why do you look scared??
She asked, caressing his hair as is he is a kid who got scolded by his teacher. I rolled my eyes in disbelief.
I wonder what would happen to the girl who gets married to him? Now why should I think about that?

Harshal-N-Nothing Mom!! I... I don't like her and that's it!!
He said quickly trying to go to the door.

Mr.Singhania-Harshal behave!! She is a girl!! She has a heart for godsake!!
He said forcing him to stand on his place. I quickly covered my face and made fake sniffling sounds.

Dad-Princess don't cry!!
He said, worried taking me into a hug. I hugged him, sadly hiding my face on his shoulders.

Mr.Singhania-We are really very sorry for his behaviour dear!! We would talk to him once again and let you know!!

Mrs.Singhania-No!! Harshu doesn't like her!! Then what?? We are going.
She said and stormed out of our home with that elephant.

Mr.Singhania-Sorry again on there behalf!!
He said and till now I was hugging Dad. Dad nodded and Mr.Singhania too left giving an apologetic smile.
Anyway this First meet is a flop!! That Donkey wouldn't say yes to marry me.

Firstly Fat or thin doesn't matter at all because all of us are God's lovely creation. So please don't take anything serious. It was just for the Chapter...

Will Love Ever Happen!?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ