Beginne am Anfang


Ash finally arrived at my place and I gave her the biggest hug I possibly could've and even left a smooch on the top of her head. I have to show her some kind of affection that wasn't just a hug. If only I could feel her lips on my mine again. I sound desperate, but feeling her sweet strawberry flavored lips on mine feels like what I think you'd call, "sparks flying".

I shook my head to shake away those thoughts, but those thoughts obviously lingered around long enough to make my member down below grow hard. I shifted uncomfortably as I had to let Ash in my house without her noticing, hopefully.

"Welcome to my humble abode. It hasn't been that long since you've been here but hey, I've missed you," I grinned as I grabbed ahold of her hand and the second I did so, I felt that bolt of electricity.

Whitley ran straight to Ashland and got between both mine and her legs as we were walking into the living room. He almost made both of us trip over him, haha.

"And I assume Whit Whit missed me, as well. What a good boy!" She knelt down to him and started scratching and rubbing on my pup. I see who she missed more, oops. Hey, I'm just sayin'.

I chuckled and nodded my head as I strolled into my kitchen. I decided I'd pregame some and drink a beer before me and Ash head on out to The Tin Roof.

I grabbed two beers out and yelled out, "Ashland! Do you want a beer or nah?" She came rushing into the kitchen where I was and she was just nodding like crazy. I'll take that as a yes, ha.  

I slid the beer can over on the bar as she was sitting there. We both cheered and took a sip. I won't even lie, that felt so great to drink something that wasn't straight whiskey. Don't get me wrong, I love whiskey, it's my preferred liquor, but having to down it often doesn't do me or my throat any good.

"So, you think you'd be down to maybe play some darts tonight?" Ashland asked, getting rid of our awkward silence. We stay silent for a lot longer than we probably should, whoops.

"I'm game. You? Wait, that was a dumbass question. You were the one who brought it up. I'm so sorry 'bout that. Between touring and the long studio hours, my mind has been ka-pow! Gone," I laughed, apologizing.

"You're okay, I promise. I know it. Tour has been so hard on all of us. It's been taking its toll on me, sugar," Ashland sighed. "But you want to know what I think, Jon? I think that you are handling all of it so strongly and amazingly well. I'm so endlessly proud of you. You have been absolutely killing it every single night on stage, and even off of it, as well. I wish you could see yourself how I see you."

By the time Ashland got finished talking, I was in tears. Especially at the last thing she had said; I wish you could see yourself how I see you. Something about that sentence had me bawling. I'm not even drunk at the slightest and normally I cry when I'm wasted as hell. That's when you realize your best friend really is a one in a million. I can't even imagine my life without her.

Since I was crying, Ash got up off the chair that she was sitting on, and gave me one of the biggest and warmest hugs I had ever received in my whole life. She lifted my chin up with her two fingers and she shook her head. Not a moment too soon, her feet were stepping onto mine, and she gently laid her lips onto my own.

Ash had her arms wrapped around my neck and my arms soon snuck around her waist and I was honestly relaxed and not freaking the hell out like I thought I'd be. This kiss was lasting longer than our last one we shared in my bedroom that morning me and Hardy had gone off on one another. My hands and arms were on her waist and it felt perfect. And amazing, I can't forget amazing. My hands fit on her waist perfectly and amazingly. Which also made me feel warm on the inside, and the outside too, whether I'd like to admit that or not.

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