Chapter 26

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-Hailey's POV-
His hand gripped mine while we walked over to the seats. they were also really warm and soft in a comforting way.

We sat next to each other and buckled up. At this point I was way to scared to continue but I didn't say anything. Instead I kept quiet while my hands were shaking like crazy.

A lady came up to check our seat belts by tugging on them. After that, it jolted forward and started moving. It made sharp turns and then made it's way up a hill. I knew what was gonna happen next. I held onto these bars at the sides of my seat, for dear life.

"It's gonna be alright" Matt said smiling. "no it's not!!" I yelled. It bolted down the steep hill. It felt like we were gonna go through the earth for a second. I screamed while Matt laughed and threw his arms in the air.

When it was over, my whole body was shaking. Matt walked at my side while leaving the ride. "How was it?" He asked.

"I don't wanna go on that ride ever again!"
Matt laughed and leaned over hugging me. "it's ok" he told me.

-Matts POV-
I did my best to comfort her. It was her first ride and she got so scared. She looked completely mortified like she almost died or something.

I held her close to me, rubbing her back while she hugged me back tightly.

"That's so cute!" I heard the guys say while they watched.

You and Me  • M.E fanfic •Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat