Part: 10

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- Jimin came in the living room as he heard the voices of Jungkook's parents. He couldn't believe what he saw. You and Jungkook almost clinging onto each other but more likely he was doing that to get support. He quickly went and wrap his arm around Jungkook's waist making Jungkook look at him.

Jimin: Why do you always hurt yourself? Stop doing it Jeon.

- He almost whispered making Jungkook scoff softly. You didn't realise that Jimin's hand was on top yours. You looked at Jungkook but then realise Jimin was holding him too. His eyes averted towards yours. Jimin suddenly got more closer and his hand was completely over your making you realize and look back.

Jungkook: Hyung just take me to my room.

- Jimin nodded and was about to go but you stopped him.

Y/N: Let me help you too Jungkook.

- You just moved your hand making Jimin look at you. You both slowly made your way to Jungkook's room.

Jungkook's Mom: I hope everything just become fine like past in 3 of them.

Jimin's Mom: You are right.

- Everyone sighed while looking at three of you and mostly you and Jimin were just glaring at each other meanwhile Jungkook was feeling quite awkward because of you both.

Jungkook: Please stop your staring contest. I'm not your judge. You both are just making me feel awkward as heck.

- You both looked away in embarrassed while Jungkook sighed still feeling really awkward. You and Jimin softly placed Jungkook on the bed. Jungkook softly smiled at you both. You both were really his savior. You and Jimin passed a smile to him. You and Jimin suddenly looked at each other with a smile but soon it turned into a poker face.

Jungkook: Y/N can you bring me banana flavored milk?

Jimin: Go give him mulk.

Y/N: Its Milk.

Jimin: Mulk.

Y/N: Whatever.

- You walked out to bring his milk.

Jimin: Milk?

Jungkook: Yes Milk!

Jimin: Anyway whatever. How did you hurt yourself?

- His eyes showed concerned to him. Jungkook sighed heavily. He didn't want to say what you just tried to do. It really scared him. Jungkook was dozing off as that scene kept on reminding in his head. Jimin softly put his hand on his shoulder making him flinch.

Jimin: Whats wrong?

Jungkook: Nothing. I'm just feeling tired hyung.

Jimin: Oh.. Then let's talk when you are completely fine.

- Jimin smiled and patted Jungkook's shoulder. Jimin opened the door and saw you coming towards him. You glanced at him as he did the same. You looked away and went towards Jungkook. The cold shoulder you gave to Jimin made him realise the things he did to you and they were beyond limit.

Y/N: Here.

- Jungkook smiled making you smile. Jimin turn back and saw Jungkook kissed your cheek making you blush. Jimin turned around and closed the door not wanting to see you both. In the deep down it only hurted him. He was too blinded by hate that he buried down his love for you. It was a feeling which he couldn't express. Jimin couldn't think anything properly about his feelings.

Was it anger, jealousy, hurt or love?

- Jimin looked at his phone and saw he is getting calls from Jiyeon continuously. He clenched his jaw feeling like he just want to throw his phone completely away and smash it down into pieces. She was annoying shit out of him. And he knew he was the only one who approach her. Just because of his desire but not for her...

"Love To Hate Me" [COMPLETED]♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora