Part: 1

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- You looked at him with your teary eyes still glaring at him intensely. He just kept on looking at you with blank face which was making you even more annoyed and irritated. Your eyes went to your parents who were smiling.

Y/N: Remember I'm just getting married to you because of...

Jungkook: I already know you don't need to repeat that thing.

Y/N: I hate you...

Jungkook: I hate you more sweetheart.

- The priest started to read vows while you both still glaring at each other as if eyes could make everyone feel the tension between you both. Your parents as well as his looked at each other.

Your Mom: They are looking at each other like they will just gonna kill each other with these gazes.

Jungkook's Mom: Yes you are right. But when did they started to hate each other this much.

- They all shrugged their shoulders not knowing the real reasons behind your both pasts. You both were just constantly looking at each other. You could feel how much he hated you as well you did the same. You both were hurt.

2 Hours Ago

Your Mom: Y/N!!

- You smiled and turned around to her to see her panting. You smiled instantly dropped and walked to her feeling anxious and worried.

Y/N: Whats wrong?

Your Dad: Jimin ran away.

- Your Dad says while gritting his teeth. You felt everything collapsing down. Your hands fell on the both sides while looking at both with teary eyes.

Y/N: No way. He can't do that. He loves me.

Your Dad: Y/N we already contacted him multiple times even his parents are confused and tensed where he is. He left you.

- You fell on your knees. You loved him but why did he do that. Today is your wedding but what he did. He ran away leaving you alone. Everything was going perfect but he ruined it in just a minute.

Your Dad: Y/N... Dear please...

- Your tears started to fell down unknowingly as it was too much to handle for you. Your Mom bent to you and hugged you.

Y/N: Why Mom?.... Why he left me? Was I not enough for him?

Your Mom: Y/N calm down.

Y/N: I need to talk to him.

Your Mom: Y/N get yourself together!!

- She says as she shakes your arm lightly. You looked at her with blank face while tears flowing down from your cheeks.

Your Mom: I know what are you feeling. But its not the right time Y/N...

Your Dad: Your Mom is right. You need to get married to Jungkook now. There is no choice left.

Y/N: But dad we are not in good terms. How can you tell me to marry him?!

Your Dad: I know. But you both were together in past right? Why can't you marry him?!

Y/N: That was in past dad. Our equations are not same now. We both...

- Suddenly Jungkook and his family came in the room. He looks at your broken state making you even more irritated. You didn't wanted him to see this.

Your Dad: Please Y/N...

Jungkook's Dad: He is right please Y/N... Jungkook is already agreed to it.

"Love To Hate Me" [COMPLETED]♡Where stories live. Discover now