Part: 3

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Jungkook: Or he loved you better than me?

- He says as he stares in your eyes deeply while his finger circling on the crook of your neck. You looked down and smirked.

Y/N: Of course....

- Jungkook stopped as soon as he heard your words. You looked up and smirked a little leaning closer to him.

Y/N: He did... Unlike you who fuck around with your best friend.

- You backed away and looked at expression who was speechless and hurt. Suddenly he slammed his palm on the wall making you flinch. You glared at him and were about to say but he interrupts you.

Jungkook: Stop bringing that topic for fucking sake.

- Jungkook glares at you with full of rage. You chuckled and said.

Y/N: Why? You loved it so bad then why are you getting angry over this?

- You were pressing his trigger buttons while glaring at him. Jungkook clenched his jaw while his hands resting against the wall staring at you.

Y/N: Or are you trying to pretend the old one that used--- Nah who pretended to loved me deep down again?

- That was it. It was getting on his nerves now. Your words, the hatred coming from your mouth hit him hard. He grabbed your face and said.

Jungkook: You are still dumb. Your needle is still stuck at that point. Get over it before it messes you completely.

- He let you goes and walks out from the cabin by slamming door beside you. You let out a shaky breath as you were so scared at this point. His dark orbs were so intimidating. You felt like you were gonna burn in his stare. You slowly slide down against the wall feeling so helpless.

Y/N: He is making me go nuts.

- You massaged your temples trying not to cry as you remembered that horrible day. You looked down as tears were threatening to fall. You heard your phone ringing. You took a deep breath and looked at the caller ID. It was your brother. You sighed heavily and pick up the call.

Y/N: Hey...

Taehyung: You okay?

Y/N: Of course.

Taehyung: Your voice not sounds like you are okay.

Y/N: I'm completely fine Taehyung. Why did you called by the way?

Taehyung: Oh I just found out you married to him...

Y/N: Oh... Yeah... What bad can happen other than that...

- You mumbled the last sentence. You heard him sighing on the other line.

Taehyung: I know it must be hard for you. But please be strong.

Y/N: You know me Taehyung.

- You said which made him chuckle.

Taehyung: Of course. Actually I need to go. Take care of yourself.

Y/N: Yeah and you too... Bye.

- He hung up the call. You put the phone in your pocket and got up. You looked at the pile of documents and sighed. You went to your seat and started to make reports. You wanted to distract yourself from him. It isn't like you are helping him. You were just helping yourself from the things which were running in your mind. You might act dumb,cold and rude but you were hurt deep down. You just didn't showed that.


- Jungkook came inside the cabin and found you sleeping on the desk. He went to you and slightly tapped the desk. You didn't moved an inch. Jungkook sighed heavily and called you.

"Love To Hate Me" [COMPLETED]♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora