21 - Mall

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The two of them ambled around the mall as she went in and out stores while looking for a dress good enough for the party

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The two of them ambled around the mall as she went in and out stores while looking for a dress good enough for the party.

Renjun was already incredibly bored as he kept looking back onto his phone.

"What do you think of this one?" She asked holding up a navy blue dress "makes you look old."

A exhausted sigh fell from her mouth as she placed it back and pushed him out of the shop.

"okay let's have a break, wanna go get some ice cream?" Renjun only hummed in response.

Ignoring him entirely she strolled over and ordered two cones for the two of them. Shortly after it was done she payed and handed Renjun his as he finally decided to put his phone away.

"Can we go now?" He asked looking around the mall "I haven't found one yet so no, but if you really want to you can."

"I thought you already bought twelve?"

"You said they weren't nice" they sat at a small sitting area structured in the middle of the mall. Watching the people go by her eyes landed on a shop not far from them.

"Lets go check there next" she pointed and he slowly followed her finger before giving her a slight nod.

After finishing their ice cream they headed over to the store Raeun was talking about before.

This shop had alot of variety and trendy styles as she checked around the dress racks.

Renjun decided to help too this time but it didn't seem like he could find one cause of his picky taste.

Raeun picked out a few she thought looked nice before heading in the dressing room.

"wait" pulling out a black dress he handed it over so she could try it on aswell.

Wearing the first dress on her pile she walked out to ask for Renjuns opinion. Tilting his head up he momentarily stared down at her it while forgetting how to breath.

"Its too tight" he gulped averting his eyes from the tight red dress that captured her figure.

After trying on two other dress she walked our for the 4th time.

Renjun: "too revealing"


Renjun: "who are you trying to show your non existing ass too"


Renjun: "colours off"


Renjun: "meh"


Coming out of the dressing room for the billionth time she finally wore the dress Renjun had picked for her.

It was a silky black dress that that had a simple but rich look to it. It was short but not too short and the straps overlapped her shoulders perfectly as a small slit on the side exposed her uper thigh.

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