9 - Rooftop

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Renjun stood on the rooftop with his back opposed to the wall

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Renjun stood on the rooftop with his back opposed to the wall. Puffing out a mist of grey smoke he stared down at the concrete ground.

"So you really do have a death wish" lifting his gaze from the floor he turned to face Raeun who eyed the cigarette between his fingers.

"Its fun you should try it" he winked before blowing out another smoke.

"No thanks, id rather not kill myself" making her way towards the edge she leaned forwards to see the surface below.


Raeun peeped over her shoulders giving him a judgy look before turning back around. Her arms lazily rested on the brick wall which protected anyone from falling over.

"hilarious" she sarcastically commented while rolling her eyes.

"Id find it pretty hilarious if you died"

"Yeah well by the looks of it you wont be witnessing my death before your own."

"Atleast ill have people to mourn over mine" he said walking over to the edge beside her.

"What people? No one seems to like you-"

The unexpected ringing of her phone echoed through the silence as she held it out infront of her. After checking the caller ID she picked it up and placed it against her ear.

"Yes i know and no i didn't...why would i"

Renjun cocked his brows as she constantly gave him looks between the call.

"Okay yeah love you too"

After hanging up on the call she shoved it back into her pockets, glancing over at Renjun who continued to wait for her to presumably speak.


"Nothing" he shrugged lighting out his cigarette "i didn't know you had a boyfriend" he smirked.

"He's not- what is it to you?" Raeun placed her hands around her chests waiting for him to answer.

"Just wouldn't imagine anyone going for your ugly ass" he chuckled and turned around to lean against the wall "you literally stink shut up."

"Stop sniffing me"

"What- why would i sniff you?"

"Then how do you know if i stink?"

Raeun went silent thinking off a way to answer him back "exactly-"

"You look like you stink!" She spat turning to face the other direction before she embarrassed herself even more.

"Darling i look incredibly handsome" there it was again that specific word that sent gave her weird twisted feeling.

"Yeah right" she scoffed facing him once again "is that why your blushing?"

Renjun aimlessly leaned closer causing her to back up on instincts. The tint of red on her cheeks making it obvious that she was nervous "you think im hot dont you?"

Gulping down her saliva she quickly pushed him away "your ugly as fuck dont get carried away with your ego asshole" storming her way towards the door, Renjun chuckled to himself as she slammed it shut.

"cute" he muttered while smiling to himself.

"cute" he muttered while smiling to himself

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