Incident: Celestine Verilie

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My name is Celestine Verilie, and at the young young age of a single month old, I lost my humanity. The reason is quite simple, actually. That is, I was born to a Witch and a Witch's Subordinate, and so it stands to reason that I myself became a Witch.

That said, it's actually hard to tell me apart from normal people, since my eyes are naturally yellow, so it's hard to tell if they've become golden. People usually avoid me because of my yellow eyes, and thanks to that, I've become quite a quiet person who really doesn't like to converse with people.

Well, it's not like I'm the one avoiding people, so when they come to talk to me, I do try my best to respond, but what usually comes out of my mouth are just little noises. Which means... I have no idea how log it's been since I actually spoke. Sometimes even my own mother and father think I'm mute, even knowing that I'm not.

Today, on my 15th birthday, my parents gave me a diary. I don't know why, but since it's a present I guess I'll use it. Next spring, they also plan to send me to an all-girls school, which is kinda preposterous since anyone sending their girls there is practically saying they want their kid to be a Witch.

Speaking of, scholars aside, I heard from my father that Witches are actually one of the smartest people in the world. Not surprising, considering we have to learn about our own anatomy and the world's truths just to open their eyes. Which is why I'm curious why they're enrolling me into a school like that. If I have to say whether I'm stupid or smart, I'd have to go with the latter.

Well, maybe they just want me to experience something new, which is why they gave me a diary and plan to send me to a school. If that's the case, who am I to refuse? Incidentally, I've also come to learn that Witches aren't just people with scary powers or stuff like that. But I'll leave that for some other time.


Today is my first day of school. I was placed in the honours section, along with some other smart girls, and even a pair of twins. Though, I sincerely doubt I can be close with any of them. But well, no point in giving up early, let's do our best!


It's been a week... Everyone already has their own respective group of friends. And you guessed it, I'm all alone. This is so depressing, it isn't even funny anymore. I guess I'll just continue being myself and being silent and quiet. I'm not avoiding anyone, it's them avoiding me... It's not my fault...


It's been a month since I was enrolled into this school and I have achieved enlightenment. There is no need for happiness, joy, there is no need for sadness, remorse, there is no need for hate, no need for love. There is no need for friends, and there is no need for loneliness. I already have all that I need, that is, the truth.


There's been an incident. Apparently, one of the students went missing, and she was last seen entering her room in the dorm house. It's a strange incident, and as the sole member of the go-home club, apparently the obvious thing to do is assign me the detective work. Why?! Is it because I look like a Witch?! I mean, I know actually am one, but still! You people ignore me for the entirety of my school life and only come to me when it comes to suspicious activity?! Argh, whatever! I don't care anymore! Fine, I'll do it! And I will get results!


Today is the first day of my investigation. Let's start with the victim's room. It was off-limits for all the students, but apparently since I'm the detective, school faculty gave me special access. Neat, I guess. I enter the room, and the first thing I'm met with is the foul smell of blood. The smell of blood is something I'm quite used to, but this foul smell... Does it have something to do with the lack of ventilation? It's tolerable, but it certainly isn't nice.

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