Start from the beginning

Shake, shake, shake! That's all I could feel. Come to find out, my photographer and videographer, Brayln was shaking the hell out of my arm. I'm assuming we had arrived in Nashville.

I climbed out of my bunk and rubbed both of my eyes, the feeling of dried up makeup was present. I wiped the foundation that somehow bled onto my hand and fingertips on my pant leg. I groaned quietly and made up my bunk so that it would be nice and tidy the next time we were set to travel. Which wouldn't be until the nineteenth of March.

"How's everything? I saw where Michael deleted both his highlight of you on his Instagram, and all the posts that had anything to do with you. Do you need to talk about anything at all, Ash?" She asked, handing me a hair tie from her wrist so I could pull back my messy, blonde locks. 

I took the purple hair tie and after listening to the information she had just told me, I was stunned. That was very quick, I didn't think he'd give up that easily. I guess now I know who he really wants, and it definitely isn't me. But oh well, it's whatever, right?

"Oh," I stated plainly. "He called me last night and was saying how he loved me and he swore he'd change his ways. That, and he was being a douchebag all because I have a friend that's a dude. Which is Jon, and I know he knows his boundaries. Michael gets scared, worried, insecure, you name it, I get that, but at the end of the day, he's the one picking some girl he's only met a handful of times over his own girlfriend, which is or was me, and that really sucks."

Brayln shook her head and she swooped me up in her arms and gave me a big bear hug, similar to the ones Jon gives me. Speaking of him, I sure do miss him. I hope he and his crew made it to Nashville safely. I probably should text or call him to touch base with him.

I pulled away and glanced into Bray's eyes as I spoke, "Hey, I don't want to ruin our hug or anything like that, but I need to make an important phone call. I'll be back in here in a bit." Brayln nodded her head as I headed out of the door of the bus.

I rapidly pressed the call button and waited for Jon to pick up and answer his phone. Sheesh, I hope he's awake at least. Knowing him, he can sleep, hell he probably could sleep the whole day away if he could. But that's okay, I'd do the same, I really would.

I waited until I heard the sound it makes when someone answers a phone call. I grinned big and took a seat on the steps that led to the door of the bus. I played with a strand of hair that fell out of my messy bun.

The sound of his southern accent on the other end of the phone made me feel safe, warm and fuzzy inside. These last few tour dates have been some of the hardest days and nights of my life. It takes everything out of me to not wrap him up and kiss him until I can prove it to him that I love him.

"Hello, Ashy cash! Are you there?" He asked quite loudly to grab my attention.

I cringed and laughed it off awkwardly, "Yeah, J. I just wanted to call you and make sure everything was smooth sailing over on your end. You don't mind if we hang out tonight? I was thinkin' we could head to The Tin Roof. I know that's your favorite place on Broadway," I was hoping he could imagine the undeniable smirk that I had plastered across my face.

"Did I hear The Tin Roof get mentioned? I'm game! I'll buy the drinks," Jon agreed to my plan. Yes! I knew he would accept the offer!

"Okay, I'll see you at about seven-ish. I'll talk to you later, Lang Bang," I grinned as we wrapped up our phone call.


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