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Three weeks before Myla's birthday she got sick and nothing I did helped so I took her to the er to see what the doctor said. we was there a great majority of the night. I of course had told Happy what was going on before we got there and made she to keep him informed of any updates. 

When he walked in Myla reached for him as I stood up and handed her over to him while he sat where I was and laid back casueing his kutte to open which gave Myla more room to lay on his chest with out the Kutt in the way.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Ember. this little lady must be Myla" she says as she walked in and stood before Happy and Myla.

"Yes that is" I replied

"so what seems to be the problem doc asked after playing with Myla but her not feeling to good she hardly reacted to the doctor.

"well earlier this morning she woke up pouring the sweat so I stripped her down to her diaper and took a cool rag and started wiping her down. I gave her mecinside that a pharmistinst said was ok for her to take. when the fever wouldn't budge with the cool rag or the medicine I tried letting her soak in cool water to see if that's work which hardly did. She took a nap but not very long one before she was awake and fussy, which being sick is understandable. after trying practically everything I could and the pharmacist could think of and nothing working I brought here here" I explained

"well I'll examine her and we will go from there," Dr. Ember says

Both Happy and I nodded as she slipped on some gloves and started talking with Myla as she began her examination.

After leaving the hospital I spent my time tending to Myla till she got over her high fever.

I even brought her to work with me the next week so I'd be able to keep a close eyes on here.

That's when I got a visit from some deputies.

Which leads to where we are now.

"Hello Mrs. Lowman we need you to come with us down to the station and ask you a few questions?" Deputy Hale says

"pertaining to what?" I asked

"deaths of diosa workers" he replied

I nodded my head.

 "Can I get my sister so she can watch my daughter?" I asked

"sure" he says

I picked Myla up and walked out the door going to where Ly was.

"Hey sis I need you to take the rest of the day off and Watch Myla for me. two deputies are here and are taking me in for questioning about something that occurred at Diosa" I tell her.

she nodded her head and took Myla.

"be sure to call Lowen and Happy for me" I tell her 

"Will do" she says

"Myla's things are in my office so when you leave lock it up for me" I say as I give Myla a kiss before walking back to where Hale and the other deputy was waiting.

"am I being cuffed or just walking out of here?" I asked

"just walk out" Hale says

I nodded as I followed the other deputy out with Hale trailing behind me.

They took me into the interigation room where I had been for twenty minutes. I told them that regardless of me knowing nothing I was waiting for my attorney. 

When Lowmen finally got there she informed me that Happy wasn ticked of that I was brought in for something I wasn't involved in and hat he as well as some of the others was in the front waiting for me.

I nodded my head as we sat there waiting for hale and the other deputy to walk in and start the questions.

"I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier my name is Deputy Constine," the other guy says

"Hello" I greeted

they take their seats and place files before me then open them up before placing murder scene pictures of dead bodies before me.

"its a real shame about those girls but if your thinking I had a hand in it or know who does your wrong." I stated

"Well we found out that you was gonna due business with Mr. Padilla but things didn't turn out how you wanted" Hale says

"I gave strict rules to how his escorts was to do their job and when they can screw who they'd like when not on the clock half of them didn't like it so they left. when the others never showed I figured they didn't wanna work for me anymore" I replied

"well where was you last week?" Constine asked

"I was in the hospital cause my daughter was sick when we was discharged I was at home tending to her like a mother would when it comes to her sick child. I never left to go anywhere near Diosa or any of Mr. Padilla's workers. I was to worried about my baby to deal with his workers. if you don't believe me talk to Dr. Ember she was the one that seen Myla so she can tell you where I was and for how long. Also before he is brought in my husband wasn't involved in this either. he was with me at the hospital and he was tending to Myla the remainder of the week." I answered

"If thats all then we will be leaving since no charged or anything is on my client" Lowen says

Deputy Constine nodded her head

"make sure you don leave the country while we check yours and Happy's aliby" Hale says

"fine with me" I replied as Lowen and I stood up and left.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now