25; Turning The Tide

Start from the beginning

I should get this done cold turkey.

"It's a long story... We can talk about it when you guys get home from work?" I offer politely.

Yeah, fuck that cold turkey.

"We have time still, Parker. Talk to us. I can tell that something is bothering you." Mom insists and pulls out a stool from the island, sitting down to prove her point.

Her and her stupid therapist tactics. I almost want the prodding questions, so I have an excuse to blow up, storm off to my car, and run away until I turn sixty.

Instead, I slowly blow out air through my lips. "Okay. Um, look, so a month after school started..." I talk.

And talk. And explain a little bit here and there. I also leave some things out, like my urges when I'm alone, the party when Miles had me on the counter, and the other weekend when I stayed at his house.

The more I talk, the more I see my mom's face get heavy with recognition. She knows. I look over at my dad, and he still looks confused. Clueless, even.

Finally, I reach the end of my storyline. "I've been trying to ignore this feeling in my chest for the past weeks, except little things keep happening, and we keep talking and... Something might be there. Something happened this week, though, and I now know for a fact that--" the words catch in my mouth. My throat closes, and I press my palms against my eyes. Partly to keep from crying, partly so that I don't have to see their reactions. "I'm gay. Or, at least bi."

Silence. My own body goes stock still like it's waiting for the gavel to drop. This conversation is either ending in innocence or an execution.

Dad is the first one to break the tension. "Wait, so you weren't telling us that story about a new best friend? You guys love each other?"

"Fuck, dad." I can't help but to swear and laugh, dropping my hands. "Don't toss around the L word like that. I'm not putting it like that. I dunno. I don't want to be just friends."

He tsks, looking over at my mom. "Didn't I call this back in kindergarten when we all had the conversation on why boys don't usually marry boys?"

"Oh my god, did everyone know I was gay before I did?!" I exclaim and throw my hands up in the air.

Mom shoots my dad an equally-unamused look, mentally saying, Emmett, this is not the time.

"Breathe, sweetheart. We're shocked, for sure, but it's amazing that you trust us enough to tell us." She gets up and walks over, wrapping me in a hug. I wince as she sacrifices wrinkling her Missoni shirt against me, but I don't refuse the affection. Instead, I shut my eyes and hug her tightly back. "You know that we love you, no matter what. We trust you and your decision-making. I know that this can't be easy for you."

"Plus, this means we don't have to worry about premature grandkids, right?"

"Emmett! Lord!" My mom gasps and lets go of me to smack dad, making him laugh. "This is serious!"

"I know, I know!" He clears his throat and gets himself back under control, looking at me. "I'm sorry, however..."

I smirk knowingly. "You have a point."

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