Bonus Chapter 14 The Bird Whisperer

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Six o'clock arrived suddenly as my alarm echoed throughout the room. Abe jumps in fright, tumbling off my bed, taking the blanket, a pillow, and Gizzy with him. Gizzy dashed out of the room in a panic. I still had the amulet cupped around my hand until my body jumps up from the loud thud, suddenly hearing my alarm going off on the tray. Abe's Guide slides down in the middle of the cot as my body leaps up, almost tipping over the cot I was on. Finn and Shobi were already up whining for me to open the upstairs door. They wanted to go outside, but I was too distracted from the chaos in my room at the moment. I turn off the chime the phone let out, feeling my heart almost pounding out of my chest. My eyes scan the room, realizing Abe had fallen off the bed. I rush over to him on the other side, watching him pull off the covers over his head and whipping his head up at me.

"What in the Odd was that!? Abe cried out, standing up and placing the blanket and pillow back on the bed.

"That....was my phone alarm. I set it so we can wake up early." I sigh out, finally feeling my heartbeat slow down back to normal.

"Well, that sure did the trick!" He beckoned, rubbing his head from it hitting the floor.

"Sorry about that...." I turn to view the hallway, hearing the dogs scratch at the upstairs door. "I need to let the dogs out and feed them real quick. When you compose yourself, feel free to use the bathroom in the hallway to your left. I'll be upstairs when you finish." I clarify, leaving my room in a rush to take care of my pets.

Luckily Abe didn't hit any of the fish tanks on his way down. He walked around the bed, ready to take his backpack off the door hook until he paused, seeing the front pocket opened. Thankfully, his Guide didn't get covered with the blanket on the cot, or Abe would've started to panic. Abe assessed the situation seeing the cot's disheveled bedding with his Guide on top as she waved gently at him.

His paw snatched her up quickly and asked, "Did Tree take you out?" She gave a sweet smile, not giving him a solid answer. Her posture formed back into a meditation state, resting until needed. Abe grunts in frustration, placing her around his neck. He took his bag off the hook finally and whipped it around his back. Before he could ask me questions about the matter, he had to use the restroom.

The Mudokon spotted the dark bathroom to his left, feeling the wall for the light switch. Once the room lit up, he glanced around the medium-sized room. The toilet, shower, and vanity resembled the restrooms back on RutureFarm's, but a lot cleaner. It gave him some negative flashbacks on how he had to clean the nasty toilets there. He was thankful to be out of that mess. Abe looked at himself in the large mirror over the vanity. He looked exhausted, even if he did sleep well on the bed.


With the dogs outside, I finish preparing their food. I spot the brush with the scrunchy wrapped around it, taking it off the table near the hallway, soon making my way into the second bathroom upstairs. While using the restroom, I hear the downstairs one flush, knowing Abe had ventured out of my room. The bathrooms were straight down from one another. I then brush my brown hair back, putting it in a ponytail. After that, I brushed my teeth as quickly as I could.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I swiftly headed down the stairs to let the dogs in to eat. I hear the door downstairs open. My actions didn't pause, opening the door to let the dogs in. The two ran upstairs, eager to eat their breakfast, while Abe follows me up, trying to figure out how to ask the questions in his mind. I grab the food bowls and place them down on the floor as the dogs enjoyed every crumb.

"Sorry again about my alarm, Abe. I was hoping to be awake before it went off." I suddenly chime out.

Abe stays standing up, not sitting on the couch quite yet. "It's okay. But...." He hesitated for a moment. My eyes stare at him in wonderment, waiting for the Mudokon to finish his sentence. "Do you know why my Guide was out of my bag?"

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