Bonus Chapter 13 The Sleepover

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Feeling exhausted and defeated, I open the door to the house, Abe following shortly after. I couldn't ignore the loud barking from my two dogs as they wag their tails, happy to see me. The house was pitch black until I turned on the entryway's light and gave the dogs that welcomed us home a soft pat on their heads. They've been obedient around Abe thus far. It could have been that I was content with Abe's presents that made the dogs feel the same way. I turn to face the closet, take off my shoes and place them neatly on the rack. Abe patiently watches my actions, almost like he was waiting for me to give him orders and watching every move I took.

"You can take off the clothes, Abe. You won't be needing them in the house. Just place them in the closet for when we need them again tomorrow." I finally speak out to Abe, that was speechless.

Abe's head nods and then proceeds to remove the hoody and pants, placing them neatly on the hangers in the closet.

The dogs closely trail behind me while I step up the stairs to head to the kitchen. While turning back to look at Abe, allowing the dogs to pass me up, I ask, "Are you hungry?" His eyes shot up towards me. He was famished but didn't say it out loud. He nodded again without making a sound. "Alright. I'll make some tea as well." I make it up the stairs, into the kitchen. My finger flips the switch to the kitchen light, opening the fridge to set out some fruits and vegetables for a snack. I also set out a pitcher of water and two glasses just in case Abe was thirsty.

Abe finally makes it up the stairs, removes his heavy backpack, and sets it on the couch. He lifts the amulet off from around his head, placing it softly back into the front pocket of his bag, only to plant himself back down on the couch to wait for me to finish my task in the kitchen.

I knew the Mudokons enjoyed the taste of meat, but I wasn't sure about Abe. Having lived at RuptureFarms almost his whole life, he loved the taste of Scrab Cakes and Paramite Pies before he knew that the Glukkons were making them go extinct. Still, after that traumatic experience of knowing they were turning his brothers and sisters into Mudokon pops, you'd think he would become a vegetarian.

I finally muster up the courage to ask, "Do you eat meat, Abe?" I look into the fridge, eyeing the salami and cheese that I could cut up and put together on a platter.

Abe cleared his throat before remarking, "Depends on the meat...."

I freeze my actions on grabbing the salami and scoff out from under my breath. I reply a bit harshly, "I don't have Mudokon meat in here, Abe...." There was a sudden wave of silence for a few seconds. I stood up from bending, removing my gaze from inside the fridge holding a whole salami in my hand. I shook my head at what came out of my mouth, quickly apologizing to him. "I'm so sorry, Abe. I didn't mean...."

Abe interrupts my apology quickly, "No, it's okay....I forgot I was in a different world...." He faced the television in a deep stare. He wondered what would come out of that box of mine as he changes the topic. "What plays on this screen here?"

I grab the different cheeses from the fridge before shutting it and place both items on the cutting board. My eyes pan over to where Abe was pointing at, "The TV? Well, if the news is on, nothing good. But there are some awesome shows and movies that play on it at times." I go back to what I was focusing on, cutting up the salami and cheese. I reach into the cupboard and remove the crackers, displaying them neatly on the platter next to the meat and cheese, alongside a platter of fruit and vegetables. I placed them on the table in the dining room. "Help yourself. I presented the food to Abe as I turn back to the kitchen to make the tea.

Abe stands up quickly and walks over to the food I set out for him. He pulls out a chair, sits down like a gentleman, and takes a few things off each platter, setting them on the plate I brought out for him. "Can ya tell me a little bit about this food I'm eatin'?"

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