Chapter 6 The Waiting Game

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The Mudokon villagers were going about their business as they ate and worked around the village, tending the meeps and elums. The Healer stepped out of his temple, eagerly waiting as he crossed his arms, tapping his three-toed foot. His arms went down to his side, suddenly walking over to an opened area. Birds began to fly down from where they perched in the trees nearby, flying in a circle forming the portal. The blue within the middle spun around, having the birds change into a golden gate. The portal spat out Big Face, me, and the birds the enemy stole. They fluttered out of the opened gateway and landed on the tops of the trees. Big Face landed on his feet. As for me? Well, I stumbled and rolled out onto the grass. I painfully got up from the harsh landing, removing the dirt from within my hair and clothes until I suddenly paused. I felt like I was being watched. I look around, viewing all the Mudokons freeze in their tracks staring at me. The Healer walked over towards Big Face as he just gave a smile from under his wooden mask and patted Big Face's back. He was glad to have him back safe and sound.

The Mudokons were at a loss. Typically Abe would be venturing out of the bird portals with new Mudokons. But instead, I popped out with Big Face. The Shaman Healer looked about, soon clapping his hands to cast the gaze of the Mudokons over to him and Big Face. "Big Face has returned safely, thanks to this young lady!" At first, the Mudokons were silent, making their way over to me. Then, abruptly, they cheered with joy as they clapped and praised me, patting me on the shoulder and my back one by one.

I gasp out, only to end up blushing from the praise of the Mudokons all around. "Please....I don't need this. Abe and Munch did most of the work, trust me!" Big Face pushed through the crowd to get to me. Before I could say more about the matter, he grabbed hold of my wrist, getting me out of the mob of Mudokons. I look back at the Mudokons, still cheering with joy, only to become face to face with both of the shamans as Big Face let go of my wrist.

"Thank you for everything, Tree." Big Face applauded me.

I only assumed he knew my name thanks to the Shaman Healer telling him while the Mudokons bombarded me. I bellowed out without saying; you're welcome. "But....I didn't do anything! We need to go back to help Abe and the others!" I demanded.

Big Face enlightened me, "Abe can handle it on his own now. Your task was to get me to safety, and you accomplished that."

The Shaman Healer spoke next, "Now we wait for his return with the rest of his followers and hope he destroys that lab of theirs. In the meantime, rest and eat. You deserve it."

I lowered my head down, looking away from the shamans as I rubbed my head in frustration. They were right. All I could do was wait. But I hate waiting. I was developing a headache from the stress I endured throughout this crazy adventure. I hid my pain as I glanced my eyes back up at the shamans. Before allowing myself to relax, I had a few questions for Big Face. "I do want an answer as to why I stumbled into your world. You could have caused more harm than good by opening up a portal in my dimension, you know." I gave a stern lecture at the two, which may not have been a wise choice on my part, being that they are high ranking and know magic.

There was a slight pause, and all I got from a response was a long, loud laugh from Big Face until he finally explained why things happened this way. "I didn't mean to bring you into our world. At first, I was able to control where the portals led, leading the Sligs to their death. It was only after the Vykkers tweaked a few things on the machine that it sent the birds through random dimensions such as yours."

I think to myself for a moment, "So, like a television changing to random channels? Interesting." I then ask yet another question. "How did they catch you anyway? And how did they get a hold of the bird portal in the first place?"

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