Chapter 10 A Mudokon's Determination

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Three hours pass by as I move around in bed, slowly waking up from a feverish nightmare. Finally, my fever broke as I spring forward on the bed, panting from the night terror and my heart pounding within my chest. I had a dream that Sligs were chasing me, hearing the sounds of their mechanical pants inching closer towards me with each step they took. A gunshot within the dream had awoken me. I press my palms up to my face trying to gather my thoughts. My body still felt ill and exhausted, but I still managed to force myself to sit up in bed for a moment.

I feel something on the edge of the bed with my foot, realizing it was my backpack. I lean over to grab my bag and unzip the pocket that stored my brush inside. I remove my scrunchy and start brushing my hair while I was still half asleep. Suddenly, I freeze my brushstroke movements, hearing breathing in my room, sounding like a soft snore. I turn my head to the right, seeing Abe cross-legged on the floor. Abe's elbow rested on his knee while his paw held his head up to prevent gravity from straining his neck. The poor guy must have been sleeping like that for a few hours, seeing him slumped over. I finish brushing my hair, putting it back into a ponytail. Then I quietly placed the brush back into the pocket, zipping it back up.

I needed to urinate, but I didn't want to startle Abe awake. As my bladder forced me up off the bed, I sneak my way into the bathroom. Even though darkness surrounded me in the hut, my eyes adjusted very well. Not to mention the moonlight peeked through some of the windows. The bathroom reminded me more of an outhouse: no flushing involved, just a deep hole and toilet. At least they knew about hygiene, supplying soap and toilet paper they created from nature all around and a large bowl of water to wash my hands. I felt so grimy, and I really could use a shower right now. Unfortunately, they didn't have these types of things in their village, only the lake nearby to use.

I slowly open the bathroom door after I was finished and still saw Abe sleeping in the same position as before. I was sweaty after my fever had broken and vertigo set in from being sick as I stumble my way around the hut. I needed some air, and I was close to the exit. I make my way to the door and open it without making it creak. I leave it cracked open and walk out to the path to view the stars from above. It was strange not seeing the Milky Way or the Big Dipper and Small Dipper in the night sky. All I saw were splotches of stars while the two moons lit up the night sky—the moons with a Mudokon's paw and the other with a Gabbit's foot.

Back in the room, Abe woke up abruptly from the tapping of glass. It was his guide inside the amulet waking him up to warn him that I was out of bed. Abe sprung up from his lay as she lit up the room for him. He started to panic until the bug reassured him that I was just outside.

I stared deeply up at the starry night sky as I leaned sluggishly on a tree close to the hut and path. Abe slowly opened the door to peek outside, quietly sighing until he made his way towards me. I heard his footsteps, turning my head to the sound. My first response was, "I'm sorry I'm such a burden...." I look back up at the stars.

Abe shook his head and stood beside me. His reply was truthful, "You're not a burden, but ya do need your rest. The shaman said that ya came down with somethin' from being here on Oddworld so, I was willing to stay in the hut 'til you got better."

"Well, I hope it's not contagious." I laugh with a bit of stress hidden in it, thinking of what I may bring back home with me.

"If ya don't feel better by at least the afternoon, you're free to stay longer."

My head lowered. I needed to get back home, worried that my family could be searching for me if my theory was correct. All I said in return was, "We'll see."

"Come on, let's get back inside." He gestured me to move along, almost in a demanding way. I obliged and followed behind him, looking back one more time at the moons before going inside. The little bug around Abe's neck illuminated the room with her golden glow. Abe pointed towards the bed, almost forcing me back to bed. I huffed out with a half-smile formed on my face as I placed myself back on the bed. Before I could get comfy and go back to sleep, Abe saw the perfect opportunity to approach me about what was on his mind. He sat back down on the floor with his legs crossed. "Can I ask ya a few questions? And I need you to answer them truthfully...."

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