Chapter 8 Teamwork

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In the cave, the shamans and I were having a small conversation on the way out. They wanted to know more about my world and if it was any different than theirs. So I explain the best I could to them the pros and cons of living on Earth. "It's nothing special; we go through a lot of things you all deal with here on Oddworld. Pollution, plagues, wars, hate, greed. If you don't have money on Earth, you struggle hard in life. And don't get me started on racism and politics...." I lift my upper lip in disgust.

"Money?" Big Face questioned more on that strange word than the rest I listed.

"Like moolah on Oddworld. If you're rich, you pretty much have it made, and this makes people feel powerful."

The Shaman Healer then asked. "Surely there are some good things on your Earth, though, right?"

"Oh yeah, for sure! Friends, family, pets, the beautiful nature all around. There are good humans on the planet who try to care for our Mother Earth and keep her healthy, but there's only so much we can do, and I fear we may go down a path that may destroy her in the end. But that's our fault. Karma's a bitch, as I say back in my world." I pause only to reply before they ask, "Karma is like quarma in your world."

They both start to understand and kind of felt bad for me having to go back to that environment. "And you want to go back there?" Big Face asked.

"I mean, I would love to stay here. But I have so much to look forward to back at home. I always complain about my family, but I would miss them greatly. Not only that, my friends and pets need me. We struggle with life, but we press on to live another day."

"Understandable." The Shaman Healer ended it.

I look over to the Healer and ask, "By the way, I never got around to asking your name? I mean, I really don't know Big Face's true name. Abe refers to him as such."

"I keep my name a secret as he does. We shamans have to keep our reputation, or else others may think differently of us."

"Haha, understandable as well," I added as we step out of the cave. I could only imagine what their names were. Maybe, Bob, or George, or Frank. I cackle under my breath.

We make it out into the open, sighting the blimp in the center. I could tell by the shaman's body language that they were pleased underneath their masks, spotting Abe as he waved to the group of happy Mudokons. I was in between the two masked shamans as we sauntered over. Abe was in the middle while his buddies were to his left and right. Munch on his left and Alf to his right. Another Mudokon stood next to them. It was Abe's best friend, Toby. Abe's followers ended up being pampered by the natives while they gave their heroes a breather.

Once stopped, my eyes grow wide as I saw Alf pull off my backpack from around his arms. His smile was from ear to ear, knowing how excited I was to see my bag come back to me safe and sound.

"Oh my God! You got it back!?" I cried out with joy.

Alf showed off the bag to me as he scratched his head in response, "Yeah, this camera bag of yours is heavy!"

I look up at him as I took the bag from Alf and hugged it. I felt so terrible now after getting it back, releasing my grip on the backpack slightly. "I'm sorry for lying to you back there about my camera being rare technology...."

"Nah, It's okay. I mean, ya could be right, after all." He comforts me with his reply. I set the backpack down softly, not looking inside it just yet, and without hesitation, I leap in for a firm hug. Alf's face was in shock as he turns his head at Abe, only to see Abe's face formed a smile. Alf pats my back, hugging me back softly.

I realized that Mudokons give affection by touch after being patted on the back and the shoulder many times throughout the village. I never cared for hugs or being touched so much back at home, but I allowed myself to be more open to the Mudokon's customs.

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