Chapter 4 The Blimp Ride to the Lab

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Abe and Munch waited next to the temple where I went to heal my wounds. Both were sitting off to the side as they made small talk. That was until the doors opened up, and I slowly walked out, rubbing my healed arm, thanks to the Shaman Healer. Abe and Munch stood up and looked at me silently. I looked down towards the path, only to stop and glance over to the two and smile slightly. "Well, that was not a pleasant experience." I broke the silence.

"But you're healed, though, right?!" Abe rushed over to me to have a look at my shoulder, holding it softly.

My brown shirt looked awful from the dry, stained blood, but other than that, perfectly fine. "Yeah, that shaman is a lifesaver. But I would love to go wash this blood off of me." I watched Abe let go of my arm as I lower it.

Munch hops over to us and responds, "There's a small lake close by; you can wash up over there."

I hated to have them escort me everywhere, but with the Mudokons all around in a deep stare, I wasn't hesitant to ask for one of them to follow me to the water. "I hate to ask, but....could one of you come with me? I'm getting strange looks from the villagers here."

Munch scanned around, seeing the Mudokons stare intently over to where we stood, "Sure, I'll come along, follow me."

Abe wanted to get going as soon as possible but allowed it, "Alf and I will get the blimp ready for take-off when you return. Just please, make it quick."

Munch spoke, "You got it, Abe."

Munch and I made our way towards the water while Abe went in the opposite direction seeing Alf nearby the blimp. We arrived at the lake with haste while I got concerning looks from the Mudokons all around. They paused their actions to scope me out. Most of them started to follow me in the distance due to curiosity. I heard their whispers to one another saying, "What is it? Why is Abe helping this newcomer?" I ignored the voices behind me and pulled out the scrunchy from my hair, releasing my hair from the ponytail. They all gasp and back off a few feet. Munch tilted his head after seeing me let down my hair. I just chuckle under my breath as I hear the gossip behind me.

"Don't worry about them, Tree. The Mudokons just never seen a creature quite like you before, is all." Munch reassured me.

"I'm not," I reply while cupping the water and washing my hair down, getting rid of the dry blood on me. Munch wanted to ask how I changed my hairstyle so quickly. I knew he wanted to ask the question, so I answered before he could give it. I show him the scrunchy around my wrist, "I use this to hold up my hair if you were wondering. Think of my hair like a fuzzle hair, just....longer." I tried to explain the best I could for him to understand.

"Ah. Very interesting. I've always wondered what that mop on your head felt like." Once I finished cleaning the blood off myself, I stood up and put my hair back up in the ponytail. Munch adds, "We better get back to the blimp. I think Abe is getting antsy and wants ta resue Big Face as soon as possible."

"All right," I reply, turning around, only to see the Mudokons hiding behind the trees. They all scattered like cockroaches once I spotted them. I just laugh out loud, feeling a bit more comfortable with the situation I'm in. It made me forget about the troubles that soon will follow at the lab. Munch and I head back to the blimp while we ignore the constant stares from the villagers.

Once arriving at the blimp, Munch starts to leave me, getting onto the blimp while I stopped to look at it in awe. Even though the Mudokons stole this blimp from the Glukkons, I was fascinated by the craftsmanship. It was the very blimp that Abe rescued the last of the Mudokon eggs. The sails reminded me of a fish, one in the back like a tail fin and two on the sides like pectoral fins used for steering in the air.

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