Chapter 3 The Healing Process

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Daylight had approached, making the blimp more visible for the Sligs. The enemy started to catch up to the blimp that stored Abe, Alf, Munch, and myself. The Sligs seemed to have a faster, newer model airship, having them spot the blimp dead ahead. Everything was going smoothly until shaking disturbed our travels. Outside, flying Sligs shot at the blimp to slow it down for the big-bros Sligs to jump aboard to detain their enemy inside. I tried to hold on to items around me for dear life as Alf swerved the blimp, trying to avoid the oncoming fires. Munch gets up and tries to make his way to the control center where Alf and Abe stood. Munch knew I wasn't going anywhere and needed to figure out what the commotion was all about. He stumbled to the front and shouted out, "What's going on?!"

Abe looked back at Munch and bellowed back, "Sligs! I need to get outside to possess one of them flying Sligs to keep them from comin' in!"

"We're takin' a lot of damage, Abe. Ya better hurry!" Alf cried out, seeing smoke start to form outside.

Abe nods his head and rushes to the main doors to get to the outside deck. After opening them, he felt the wind as it almost forced him to fly backward. Seeing the flying Sligs, Abe started to chant, possessing one of them to start shooting at the other Sligs that tried to take down their ride. Once the flying Sligs were no more, he had to take down or stall the airship somehow. Abe watched as the airship leveled beside theirs and about to ram them. Luckily, Abe has the power to call forth Skrykull, and he didn't hesitate to use this power as he transformed into the Demigod mixed with a scrab and paramite. Lightning covered their damaged blimp, like veins, protecting the craft and the passengers inside. It suddenly zapped the airship that was just about to ram into them. The airship went down and crashed into a field nearby, having Abe and the crew escape with no casualties.

I relaxed my stance feeling the blimp level out and move smoothly once again. I wanted to take a peek out of the room I was in, but I grew too nervous. Anyway, I needed to save my strength for when I have to get off the blimp. Luckily, the wounds stopped bleeding, as the sleeve of the hoodie soaked with the excess blood. I started to feel less lightheaded as my blood started pumping into overdrive to fix my body up from the damages it received. I still needed treatment because the wounds were beginning to get infected from all the dirt that got into them. I was about to give out a soft sigh until I heard someone coming back into the room where I stayed. It was Abe. He was at least nice enough to check up on me after the bumpy ride.

"You all right?" He asked as he peeked in, not entirely going into the room. I nodded my head, not saying a word to him. I was still in shock that I was face to face with one of the characters I was a fan of all these years. He gave a soft smile and added, "We're almost there. Just hang tight."

I shyly look away and could only stutter out a "....All right." After Abe walked back to the front, I felt at ease to rest a bit to keep my mind from wandering.

Fifteen minutes pass by. I had fallen asleep on the soft furry bed. The adventure thus far had been challenging on my body, so sleeping was the best medicine for me. I always loved sleeping and could sleep the day away if I could. However, I was never a fan of my sleepwalking though. I would sleepwalk almost every night, talking to myself and walking around, and I would remember all of my actions when I woke up the next day, which was quite funny. Luckily I didn't do any of that within the fifteen minutes, and boy, that would have been awkward.

I didn't realize that the blimp had already landed as the three were in the room with me. Alf whispers out, "You wake her. I don't wanna get attacked like I almost did back there."

Abe rolls his eyes, walks over to my sleeping body, presses on my non-injured shoulder, and softly tries to wake me up. "Hey, we've landed. Time ta get movin'."

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