Chapter 8

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Picture: The tree Eli is under, where he and his mother were first found.


Conall closes in on the packhorse with Grace, Will, and Santiago trailing behind when a feeling of discomfort and distress washes over him. Immediately being aware that the feeling is coming from the hospital wing of the packhouse he fastens his pace and pushes through the front door. The sight of every person in the packhorse running around in hysteria like a bunch of hyenas looking for their next prey floods an uneasy feeling over him.

"what the hell is going on here!"

His voice booms through the packhorse making everyone's moment immediately come to a stop and turn to their alpha. He raises an eyebrow when not a single word is outed towards him. The pack members silently look between themselves with a hint of sacredness in their eyes.

"Someone better tell me what's going on or I swear to god"

Conall says as he steps further into the room.

"alfa, we have a problem, a miner itty bitty tiny problem"

A woman that Conall immediately recognizes to be Emily, the nurse picked out to watch over the pup as he and his wife went to the meeting says as she scratches the back of her head nervously.

"It sure as hell don't look like a minor problem seeing this packhouse basically flipped upside down" he raises a brow

"well okay hehe you see, the pup, you know well emm"

"the pup what?"

Conall says getting a bit nervous

"he- he's not here"

"what do you mean he's not here"

"I mean he's missing, we can't find him"

"gather some trackers and hunters, now! we have a pup to find"

Conall immediately exclaimed in an alpha voice turning in his shoes before walking out the door as quick as he came, with will flowing closely in his footsteps. Leaving behind grace and Santiago to calm the pack. The pack was in no way supposed to be aware of the pup until he was ready to be introduced in person, knowing that the pack members would all want to be in his presence keeping him safe and comfortable. Even though it's meant as a kind gesture, he would only be overwhelmed and scared with all the new faces directed at him. Conall could only hope they're still oblivious to the fact that the pup is an omega.

The rate of Conell's movements was rapid, his paws hitting the forest floor with the strength to kill off anyone that dares to stand in his way. The several pack hunters and trackers behind him and will sounding like a herd of gnus running like preys from a preditor.

Snow came as heaven's sunlit glitter to bring the world to a new shine. Even with the soft touches, the snow brings a deadly coldness to anyone, especially an omega pup. Conall, along with the several wolf forms following him, is filled with a concern for how they might find the omega, especially when knowing he is far from healthy to stand the harsh weather.

After Conall departed from the packhouse, he along with will, his trusted beta quickly met up with the best trackers and hunters to help to find the missing pup. They leave the pack's town unsure of what's to come or where to go, only following the small hint of omega scent still slightly present in the air. Even with the powdery snow, the landscape setting seemed somewhat familiar to the alpha, but he doesn't think much of it seeing this as a part of his territory, so there is a reasonable explanation as to why he finds it familiar.

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