Chapter 2

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Picture: little puppy Eli


The warm summer breezes quickly turned to snow-filled wind strikes. As the tiny stunning snowflakes fall from the sky painting the forest white. The newly clothed trees rose as white fairytale beings in that wintry landscape, for the grey clouds had bequeathed a bounty of snow. The young pup danced around the untouched snow, not faced by the coldness it brings to his thin body.

He giggles quietly to himself as he gets a cold snowflake on the very tip of his snout. A squeaky sneeze rips through his body making him tumble back onto his bum.  He lets out a series of giggles before he's up on his feet again running like the child he is, through the soundless forest, but keeping within range of their hideout. they have been staying in the same non-territorial area for the moment they found the untouched den during the previous summer.

The area has been fairly quiet, with no rouges or small packs bothering the mother-son duo since they arrived. so the mother decided against leaving the area, but times have been tough lately. The food resources they once had, are now gone, the river filled by fish frozen solid, leaving no room for any of them to get the nutrients they need to survive the harsh winter. And the small amount of food they had been able to get ahold of, the mother gave to her pup despite his protests. This has resulted in her becoming too weak to do much, which is why she is currently laying with half her body out the den keeping her eyes glued on her pup in case anything is to happen, instead of playing with her son.

The young pup is not oblivious to the changes in his mother's act, but decides against bringing it up. Instead, he consistently shows all his love to her and tries to do sweet little gestures like finding the best pinecone he could and giving it to her as a gift.

Just as the pup was about to leap into the snow in front of him, he was pushed firmly to the ground by a paw harshly standing on his back. The omega let out a distressed cry for his mother as he didn't recognize the scent of whoever was holding him captive between their paw and the ground. 

"What are you doing on my land kid?" a threatening voice says darkly into the pup's ear making him whine and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. It's easy to tell that the alpha male is in fact a rogue, based on his patchy fur and bony structure. He chuckled darkly at the pathetic attempt the omega did to get away.

Many of the rouges and small pack the live on non-teretorial lands are pathological liars. where they truly believe they either a part of a pack waiting for them to come, so they have to watch the land where the pack is supposed to own, or they believe they own the land themselves. This is one sign that they're becoming feral and is difficult to know how to deal with.

"You're not supposed to be here, this is my land. You should be punished"

the alpha snarls as he grasses his teeth on the omega's neck as a way to show dominance, making the omega let out a small growl that sounded more like a whine, trying to act tough.

"feisty, I like it" the rouge spits into the pup's ear to get a wif of the omega scent, taking a whiff of the pure innocence radiating from the pup.

the pup lets out a loud painful whine hoping his mother would come to his rescue. The rogue chuckles darkly and once again pushes his snout deep into the neck of the omega. Just as the alpha lifts his head up from the omegas neck he's tackled to the ground off the pup, by a furious mother.

"don't you dare touch my pup, you disgusting man" 

she spits at him, while her pup runs with his tail between his legs and ears flat on the head to hide from the unknown alpha. The alpha male's eyes go red, furious at the disrespect he's receiving from the other alpha. He growls before he rises to his feat successfully knocking the mother off him. He launches at her with glistened teeth challenging her to a fight. She doesn't waste a minute before doing the same successfully starting an aggressive fight between the two. The pup whimpers and backs off further into a tree, scared to death as he watches the two alphas fight. He's surprised by the pure strength his mother seems to have, despite being so weak and fragile she seemed just moments ago. the sound of loud growls travels through the forest as too alarming anyone nearby to get the hell out of there.

After moments of fighting, the rogue alpha seems to be in the lead as he pins her down onto the forest floor. the mother quickly pushes him off her and attacks his neck, making the rouge wail in pain. She keeps a tight hold on him as he wiggles trying to get away. she lets out a growl of power before letting him go. He immediately lowers to the ground in submission with his tail between his legs.  she takes a step forward while glistening her teeth at him, making him turn and run for all his might. 

She looks around desperately trying to locate her son. Once she does she limps towards him and licks him all over with pure love and concern. She takes a hold of the scoff of his neck before lifting him and carrying him in the opposite direction of the rouge. Every time something like this happens they move away from the territory and into another in hopes of reaching a peaceful place to settle down.


After hours of walking the mother suddenly collapses onto the forest floor, exhaustion finely claiming her body making it impossible for her to go any further. The pup that has been walking beside her for a short while runs to his mother.

"Mama, no sleep now. we gotta find home first" 

he says as he pushes his nose into her cheek in hopes of waking her. she doesn't answer and shows no sense that she's going to wake up so the pup curls into her side instead. 

"Love you mama, night night" 

he whispers as he pleases a small lick on her cheek, before curling further into her side and letting sleep claim him.



I'm kinda in love with this story. 

like Eli is too cute, I love him so much

I'm not completely sure of where this story is gonna lead, but I'm just gonna go with the flow. And again if you have any suggestions I'd be happy to hear :)

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