Chapter 4

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Picture: Alfa Conall wolf form


The five wolves make quick work getting to the rogue's last known location. the closer they got the more prominent the rouges smell got. It was clear that there were two. One had a strong and clearly alpha odor, while the other was sweet honey-like, furthering their concerns that there is in fact a pup present in their territory.  Their pace quickened as the sents became stronger until they saw a curled-up white clearly alpha rouge lay close to lifeless on the forest floor.

She looked majestic and peaceful where she laid, no sign of distress, just simple peace. If it wasn't for the excruciating thinness of the alpha she would look intimidating. But with the extremely predominant bones sticking out her body it was clear that the alpha had no strength to be a threat, and simply needed their help.

Conall put his hand up over his shoulder on the side of his head signaling for the others to stand their ground, which they quickly obeyed, stopping dead in their tracks. Conall took a careful step forward not to alarm the white wolf. But it proved in doing the exact opposite as the wolf snapped her eyes open and growled deep in the through but still didn't make a move to get up from the ground. Right after her warning, a light brown little head popped up from behind her, eyes widened and head crooked as he looked at the men curiously.

He pinned his ears backward and narrowed his eyes before jumping over his mother's limp body so he was in front of her. He nudged her head softly with a whine that quickly woke the alpha instinct in the men behind him. They shifted their stands and let out small pitiful whines as they fought not to launch towards the pup and cuddle him close making sure he was alright. His mother responded with a quick lick on his nose, reassuring him of her love. He winded yet again when she didn't budge when he pumped his little snout to her face.

Conall slowly made a small move to walk forward, but just as he put his foot down the pup spun around and pressed into his mother growling at the strange alpha in front of him trying to protect his mother. He once again pinned his ears backward and leaned downward into something remotely similar to a fight position.

Despite the difference in the color of their fur, the pup was similar to his mother. The features that make him look like an angel on earth were a direct copy of his mother's. His fur was thin, as a result of malnourishment. His ribs stuck out along with the rest of the bones in his body. He looked so fragile as if he'll break if you as much as a blow at him. The alpha males' insanity became concerned for the pup, they already knew the mother was a lost cause but they were all determined on trying their hardest to make her cling to life. they would never want a pup to grow up without a mother. The special bond between a mother and her pup was something a pup should never live without. If a pup doesn't have this bond, they don't develop properly, they won't be in control of their emotions often resulting in some form of mental issues such as depression or anxiety and therefore become a lot more fragile. All these factors bolt up to a lot of concerned thoughts in the males' minds.

the mother gave a short nod towards the other alphas, smiling slightly. she knew she had no chance of survival, so she silently begged them to take care of her pup. she hadn't walked into their territory by accident, she knew exactly where she was, so the moment she and her son stepped into the territory her body made peace, knowing her pup would be in safe hands.

she growled lowly at her pup making him whine before lowering to the forest floor looking helpless. He wiggled his way back into his mother's embrace. Conall took this as a sign and began moving towards the rogues leaving the other males behind, not wanting to overwhelm the pup with everyone's overly hormonal alpha scents. the pup pinned his ears back crawling as close to his mother, obviously scared of the approaching alpha. Conall shifted into his wolf form, knowing the pup would be more comfortable if he wasn't a blocky man on two legs.

His wolf was purely black, with warm brown eyes. His majestic and careful movements towards the pup were increasingly less terrifying than before. He looked so peaceful and kind in his wolf form, making the pup instantly relax more. As Conall arrived right in front of the pair of rouges, he moved his body to the ground, to show he meant no harm. The pup was visibly uncertain if to trust him, but curiosity took the better of him, making him sniff the air, amazed with the comforting scent of the alfa.  The pup slowly crawled forward to the alfa, making the alfa freeze on the spot, not to make any drastic movements that might scare the pup, while the mother laid still observing the scene, thankful that what she recognized as the main alfa was careful and understanding towards her pup.

the pup carefully observed the alfa male, unsure if to trust him or not. After a few moments, he whined before crawling towards the alfa and nibbling on his front leg. the pup pulled at the leg before releasing it and scrunching back to his mother. the pup nudging the mom and looked back at the alfa with pleading eyes. Conall's heart burst at the scene. The pup was so worried for his mother that he pleaded for the alfa male, which he was terrified of to help his mother. He was willing to risk himself for his mother's survival.  

Conall turned around to the other males signaling them to come forward. Conall had no way of communicating with the young pup in wolf form other than with his body language, since the pup didn't have any form of link with anyone other than his mother at the moment. so he moved forward calmly and carefully not to scare the pup further. the pup wined once again in fear as he laid his body down in submission.

Conall used this to his advantage even though everything within him told him not to. He leaned down and planted his gaw around the scoff of the puppy's neck. the pup didn't struggle in the grip but instead curled up into a fetal position.

"help the mother"

Conall ordered the other wolves through the pack link.

The alphas, already in wolf form, didn't wait a second before making their way to the white wolf and carried her, singing she was too weak to even hold up her own head. They all knew there was no point in taking the mother with, but did what they could to make the pup and his mother comfortable. Just as they started their move to the pack city the mother somehow managed to break the pack link and croak out a pleading wish as death swarmed over her like a cloud on a rainy day.

"take care of my pup"



Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

But i'm warning you, this about to be sad AF

I don't even want to write it :(

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