Meeting his parents

Start from the beginning

I saw angel already preparing breakfast looking all cute in that comfy sweatshirt.

I saw angel already preparing breakfast looking all cute in that comfy sweatshirt

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"Good morning baby." I said back hugging him.
"Good morning. Sit I'll set down your breakfast in 5 mins. I also have to start preparing for evening dinner or they coming for lunch also."he asked.
I signed he is gonna be like this till they come.
"Baby, they are coming for lunch but dad is bringing lunch from his favourite restaurant on the way because he loves their food. He only get to eat that when he comes here."i said and he nodded.
I sat down and he place down plate of banana pancakes in front of me.

I sat down and he place down plate of banana pancakes in front of me

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We ate our breakfast and we sat down in living room. I can tell he is nervous with his expressions. I took his hands in mine,"why are you so tense about angel?"
" Jeremy, if they like me, what if they found out I have no family. I am almost like a orphan whose father didn't even care to know that his son is alive or not. What if they think I am just like my father. I have these thoughts in my mind all night."he said sniffing.
Awww my poor baby! I pulled him in my lap. I cupped his cheeks," listen to me very carefully baby, you are nowhere near like your excuse of father. You are sweet,kind and affectionate. You care for everyone. You helped me even when I was stranger to you. Anyone can see that after meeting you and my parents will also see that too. You have nothing to be afraid of and I will be by your side."
He hugged me tightly and kissed my neck.

"He hugged me tightly and kissed my neck

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