Chapter 7: The Tide Turns

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"It is time for the slaves of Earth to recognize their masters. Seal the city." Sentinel Prime said with fear.

Night breaks and the Decepticons begin their attack on Chicago. The large ships launched barrages of missiles into the city and into the streets. People are running for their lives. The Decepticons troops begin to massacring everyone. Men, women, and children. Sentinel does not care about the human population. All he ever wants is to bring Cybertron to Earth.

10 miles away from the city, Sam, Epps, Kara, Oliver, Barry, and Cisco and begin rounding up the remaining NEST to fight back against the Decepticons. A few US Army Rangers and Green Berets join the aid.

"Let's roll." One of them said.

They drive down the highway which is clear while the other side is bumper-to-bumper trying to leave the city. In the skies above, a ring of fighters and transports are blocking the Air Force protecting the pillars.

"We had a signal earlier. It's not working." Epps said.

"This is a national emergency broadcast. Chicago has suffered a massive attack."

"Wrong way! Get out of here! Go back!" A man said to them as he runs away.

Meanwhile at a base not far from Chicago, Morshower discusses with a general and Lennox.

"There's a ring of alien ships around Chicago."

"Our high-level bombers were just knocked out of the sky," Morshower said, "They can't get through enemy air defenses over the city. Our satellites have been jammed. We have no way to monitor the enemy's movement."

"Our NEST teams are on stand-down holding at Grissom Air Force Base." Lennox said, "Justice League is on standby, ready for deployment. We're about ten minutes from the battle zone. We have Special Forces trying to gain access to the city, and infantry is staging at the perimeter."

Just then Simmons arrives.

"Excuse me, excuse me, it just doesn't make sense!" Simmons said, "Can't we get any eyes in there at all?"

"They keep shooting down our drones." Mearing said.

"They want us blind. But we do have a couple of mini-drones we're gonna try." Morshower said.

"Well, whoever's manning these UVA drones, can we try to redirect them towards Trump Tower? Simmons suggested, "The kid Witwicky, was on his way to Chicago. Said some point-man human op is there, for the Decepticons! Listen, if I know anything, I know this, that kid is an alien bad news magnet."

The group has arrived in Chicago. It was Ground Zero for the city. Most of the city was in flames from the attack last night. A few F-18s fly into action, but the Decepticon ships spotted them and shoot them down.

"Oh my god." Kara said with horror.

"No." Barry spoke with fear.

"What kind of monster is Sentinel is?" Cisco said.

"My God. We came here to find her in the middle of all that?" Epps asked everyone.

"Are we really going out there, Epps?" A soldier named Stone asked him.

"I'm not going in there." Another soldier, Eddie said in agreement.

"No one's going in." Epps said.

"I am." Sam said as goes out. "With or without you, I'll find her."

Epps stops him in his track, "You're gonna get yourself killed, Sam," He stands in front of him, "Is that what you want? Is that what you want? You came all the way out here to get yourself killed? Huh? Listen to what I'm saying."

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