Chapter 1: The Discovery at Chernobyl

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It has been three years. Three years since the battle of Giza. Not to mention it has been three years since Optimus and Kara confess their feelings towards each other. Now they face a new problem. Thanks to the government along with Director Galloway, their base in Diego Garcia was compromised and N.E.S.T had no choice but to move to a new base.

At the new base in Washington, everything was in order. The world is being monitored by Energon detectors. A new team of Autobots had joined the humans to fight the Decepticons, the Justice League are training new NEST soldiers, and Sam is looking for a job. Just 2 months before, Sam and Mikaela had broken up which disappointed Kara and the others. It was mid-April and the Justice League and NEST have gotten to work.

There had been reports of an activity going on in the Middle East and the Russians required some aid from the U.S. Lennox arrives along Optimus and Kara.

"What do you got?" She ask them.

"The Russian General Voshkod says he has found something that connects to Cybertron." Lennox informed her.

"Something very important." Optimus said, "but we must hurry. The Decepticons are making their move."

"Not if we can be there first." Kara said with determination, "Where is the item?"

"In... Chernobyl." Lennox said with grimly.

"The factory that contaminated Prypryat?"

"Yes. Get your team ready."

"It's just me, Oliver, Barry, Ray, and Cisco. The others are in the Middle East stopping nuclear activity.

They get their and they board the plane for the mission.

Meanwhile in the Middle East, at an illegal nuclear facility, guards are patrol when 4 cars are approaching the gate. A blue car with Iranian Flags is escorted by 3 cars.

"The Defense Minister's car." An Iranian guard said.

"Open the gates."

As they open gate, the red Ligier JS11-Ford Formula One racing car transforms into the Autobot named Dino. He draws his blades and forces the guards to the ground. In the passenger seat of Bumblebee, John sees the facility and flies out. He signals Mick and Sara to move in. They wait above the facility waiting for the Autobots. Bumblebee activates his cannon while in vehicle mode. He shoots the toll booth killing a few guards. They meet up with the League and the nuclear site is secured. John contacts Oliver who is on route to the Ukraine.

"Oliver, this is John. The nuclear site is secured." John said.

"Roger that, Dig. Well done."
Back to the Allies, Oliver disconnects the call. He gives Lennox the thumbs up knowing that the mission was a success. An hour later, they reach to  Chernobyl. They meet up with General Voshkod and a few Russians. NEST are in their protective gear since the city is highly contaminated with nuclear radiation. Oliver, Barry, Kara, Cisco, and Ray wore protective masks.

"I am Voshkod, General Counsel with the Ukrainian Department of Energy." Voshkod said, "My government will officially deny that we're having this conversation. At one of our decommissioned facilities, a, uh, discovery was made, which I fear may be... alien in nature. The facility's name is Chernobyl."

"Mr. Voshkod. So, uninhabited since '86." Lennox said, "I hear it won't be livable again for another twenty thousand years?"

"At least. Ukraine was the most fertile land. It's a tragedy. This way." The Russian General said leading them.

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