Chapter 5: Betrayal

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Everyone was shocked to hear what Sentinel Prime said to them. Vibe sees Sentinel pulling his gun to Ironhide. This is where Ironhide died in that vibe about his future. He now sees his vision clearer. It was Sentinel Prime that killed Ironhide.

"IRONHIDE, LOOK OUT!" Vibe shouts.

Ironhide and Jazz dodges the blasts from his gun and take cover. Everyone is shocked to see this.

"What are you doing?!" Kara demanded.

"Cybertron shall be rebuilt with the aid of the Decepticons. Now return the pillars to me." Sentinel said.

He continues to blast NEST soldiers away. Oliver and the Justice League took cover and open fire on the Prime. Bumblebee shoots Sentinel until he forces Bee to fall back.

"Everyone, fall back!" Oliver shouts to the soldiers.

"Get back!" Lennox shouts.

Sentinel then jumps over and transforms into his vehicle mode. A few NEST soldiers are killed by Sentinel's blaster. Flash grabs as many wounded troops as he can moves them inside.

"Get a medic down here!" A NEST soldier shouted.

Sam, Lennox, Barry, Oliver, and Kara move in to confront Sentinel.

"All right, we don't have enough men! Do not engage Sentinel!" Lennox shouts.

Outside the base, Mearing has arrived.

"Just go to the back gate." She said.

"Take cover!" a soldier shouts.

There was an explosion from inside. NEST soldiers open open fire on the Prime, but they are pushed back. Sentinel takes out his lance and slashes anything that stands in his way. John creates 76mm guns in front of the Prime and fire on him. Sentinel stops the projectiles with his shield before destroying them with his blaster. The Director Mearing rushes to the facility and confronts Sentinel.

"Director, don't go there!" Her bodyguard shouts.

"Hey, Sentinel!" Mearing shouts.


"What is going on?! What do you think you are doing ?!" She demanded.

A soldier fires a grenade but Sentinel turns and reflects the projectile with his shield.

"I am a Prime! I do not take orders from you." Sentinel shouted.

Lennox and Oliver arrived with the League.

"Director Mearing, come on." Lennox leading Mearing away, "We cannot fight him. Let's go. We have to go."

"Fall back! Fall back! A NEST soldier shouts.

"Now! Return what belongs to me!" Sentinel takes out his blade and starts slicing everything in his way. Lennox and Oliver were forced to pull Mearing from the burning base.

"Ohhh... my God!" Mearing shouts.

"Move!" Lennox shouts.

Sentinel leaves the base with the pillars in his vehicle mode. It is a huge mess. Many vehicles were destroyed and a few NESTS were killed and hundreds are injured. Optimus then arrives too late. Kara reaches to the others. Optimus then transforms into his alt mode. He looks around and see the base nearly destroyed by his commander. The Justice League quickly regroups.

Mearing arrives with a stern look on her face. Kara is angry at Mearing.

"Yeah, take a good look, Optimus! This all on you!" Charlotte said pointing at the Autobot leader.

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