Your boyfriend seemed to be very kind

Start from the beginning

„You're living in our house without paying something, who does that has to follow our rules", my dad said and I knew it didn't make any sense to try to disagree. That's why I decided to be half way honest. „I wanted to go shopping but then I met one of Tommi's friends, Niko. I got to know him on a...", I wanted to explain but got interrupted by my mom. „So, Niko is the name of the man with the long brown hair?" Wait. What? Why did my mom knew Niko's hairstyle? She had never seen him, she couldn't know that! „Why do you know what his hair looks like?", I looked at her truly confused and a little bit shocked at the same time. „Well, your grandparents told us that they had seen you with a long brown hair in the park with the old trees. They told us your boyfriend seemed to be very kind. But you should have told us about having a boyfriend!", my dad told me. His voice sounded serious but as I noticed the smile on his face, I knew he wasn't that mad anymore.

But I was still shocked. Boyfriend?! My grandparents had told my parents that my boyfriend with long brown hair was pleasant?! „Dad! No! He's not my boyfriend, I got to know him about a week ago! And I have no idea why grandma and grandpa thought he was my boyfriend because we didn't do anything a couple would do like holding hands or something similar!" Well, that's not true either. We hugged a lot and especially tightly, we could have looked like a couple...

„He's not your boyfriend? Why then did you spent such a long time with him? You've never been as late back home as yesterday! And why did he call you that often today's morning?!" Before I could ask how they knew about him calling me, my mom explained it to me. Honestly, it was kinda obvious that they heard my phone buzzing and saw Niko's name on the screen but I wasn't able to think that far because I was totally confused because of our talk. I had no idea how my parents still were and how I should deal with the situation now.

I couldn't think about that anymore when I realized what it meant that Niko had called me a few times. He definitely was worried and cared for me! I didn't want to know how he felt right now because I still didn't answer. Fuck, fuck, fuck!, I thought again. If I wouldn't have forgotten to text him, it would be easier for my parents to believe my statement that he wasn't my boyfriend. I could understand why they wouldn't believe it. To be honest, which good friend calls that often in the morning without a reason? My parents couldn't know that I had forgotten to text him that I arrived at home.

Before either my parents or I could say anything, my phone started buzzing again. I knew it was Niko without checking my phone but to make sure it was really him, I looked on my screen. And of course it told me that „Niko Vilhelm Moilanen" was calling. There was nothing I wanted to do more than answering that call as soon as possible to tell Niko I'm fine and I simply forgot to text him when I arrived but there still my parents sitting at the same table as I was and I knew they hated it when someone used their phone to text or call someone while we're eating.

Surprisingly, my mom smiled at me understanding and said in a calm voice „Go out and answer his call. There must be a reason Niko calls you almost every ten minutes." I definitely hadn't expected that but now I could only smile thankfully in her direction before I left the kitchen and closet the door behind me. „Hey", I whispered after I had answered the call and took the first steps upstairs. I wanted to be as far away from my parents as possible because I didn't want them to hear only one word we spoke. „Sofia", I instantly heard Niko's voice that sounded tired, excited and relieved at the same time.

I knew he wanted to ask me if everything was okay and why I hadn't texted him, so I started talking before he could even ask all the questions. „I'm so sorry for not texting you!", I apologized and meant it exactly the way I said it. I was truly sorry because I knew how worried he was. „I was so tired and then my parents talked to me and prepared me to have a talk today's morning because I lied to them about the reason I went to downtown and because I was at home that late. After that I totally forgot to text you. I can only imagine how worried you have been and how little sleep you probably got because of that and..." I couldn't finish my sentence since Niko interrupted me.

„Yes, you're right but now that I heard your voice I feel a lot better. At least I now know no one kidnapped you or something like that. But I can't be sure everything is fine either... What if someone harassed you and you don't want to tell me about that on the phone? You could cry silently right now and I couldn't see that. I know it's Sunday morning and you're parents are probably still mad at you but I need to make sure everything is fine with you. I... I'd like to come over and check if you're okay. Sorry if that sounds weird and overestimated but I'm worried and have a bad conscience that I let you drive alone at night in that almost empty bus..."

Even though I knew my parents wouldn't be that happy, I couldn't reject him. I didn't want him to worry anymore, only because I forgot to text him, I owned him that. Also, I hoped to be able to hug the tattooed man again because I felt so safe and comfortable in his arms... I had no choice but to agree and tell him my address. „Okay, I know where that is. I'll be there in about 30 minutes. Okay", Niko answered and I could hear that he got less and less worried. „Okay", I whispered before he hung up.

Well, I promised that in this chapter, Tommi would appear again but I didn't expect this part to be so long. That means, we'll see Tommi again in the next chapter! From now I'll probably update every second or third day since school starts again and I sadly won't have much time to write :(

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now