46) Police Car #89

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I am frozen in place for only a few seconds when I hear a car honking. I walk around the corner and see a parked police car with the number 89 on it. It is Officer Simpson's car. A car that saw his death and then drove Steven to his almost death and Nana to hers. A car taken from its owner by some soldiers in the One Nation Army. A car used to deliver soldiers this morning to a high school where they slaughter and/or capture my friends - the Resistance. This is what I learn after I untie Steven from the passenger's side door.

"It was him. Jack Taylor tricked me. He tricked me into bringing him here. He said he was responsible for the Prince's safety. He said he would help us get away or fight, whatever we decided."

"He took Torin," I say.

"I thought so," he says. "He tied me to the door handle when we got here. I tried to scream and warn you." His hands and wrists are torn and bloody from pulling on the rope. "He's good. He got both my weapons including the knife in my sock. What happened to Torin?"

"Jack just got in the car and drove away with him," I say still not believing Torin is gone.

"It's his job, Elie. We can't really be mad at him about it."

"Are you kidding me? Jack Taylor took him. For all we know, straight to One Nation. He could have killed me."

"Elie, he is a trained professional. If he wanted you dead, he would have killed you. And me."

"What about Torin? How do you know he is not taking him to One Nation?"

"Because before he drove off, he told me that he was going to get Torin to safety."

"And you believe him?"

"Yes, because he thanked me and said to thank you too for helping keep the prince safe. He left my knife on the seat where I could eventually get to it."

"Thanked you?"

"Elie, he could have slit my throat just as easily as leave me the knife."

I think about this. Jack could have killed me too, but he didn't. It is still not proof positive that Torin is not in danger. I ask the most obvious question, "Where is Carli?"

That is when Steven hangs his head, as if in shame. "Captured." He shakes his head. "I don't really know, but I hope."


"When I got there, it was all over. I could only hear scattered gunfire. Jack and Carli were at the other end of the school when the shooting began. I watched them before I walked up. I saw her go. I was still not sure about them. They kissed, a long, never going to see you again kiss, very romantic."

"Romantic? That is what you thought?"

"Elie, end of the world or not, you know me, I love that shit. Romance. You know I am a sucker for it."

It is true. Steven loves a romantic story better than me, if it is sad too, even better. I momentarily flashed back to all those viewings of "A Walk to Remember". We cry every time even though we know Mandy Moore will never make it to the end.

"I walked up to Jack after Carli ran towards the fight. Jack said Carli wanted to go back and help, but he said it was useless. Two more guns would not make a difference, and he had to find the prince and get out of town."

"So, he just left her there? Not so romantic."

"She told him to go. That is what he said. She said to Save the Prince. Or, it would all be for nothing."

Steven is so trying to convince me that Jack Taylor is some kind of love-torn hero, but Jack just sounds like a selfish turd to me. Steven must know what he sounds like because he looks off in the direction the jeep went and says, "Or, at least that is what he said she said."

"You believed that load of crap?"

"I do, Elie. He acted tore up about it."

"So tore up, he left her and the rest to die."

"They would have wanted the same, Elie. You know Leia and Sarah and Smith and the rest. They were all willing to die to protect the prince. And, it's his job. He's a bodyguard. Jack has been protecting the prince since they were little. Duty and honor and all that shit."

I don't want to talk about Jack anymore. "Why do you think the others might be captured?"

"Because remember what Leia said and Ned? One Nation comes in, makes a show of force. Captures people, executes some, converts some. Before I left, I saw some people being led off with their hands in the air, towards the stadium."

"Carli? Cindy?"

"I'm not sure. I couldn't tell who they were."

"There might be a chance? To save who is left?"


"What about Torin?"

Steven looks again in the direction Jack drove off, "Jack said he would give Torin the choice. Stay and fight or run, but I guess he realized that Torin cannot fight since he is hurt. Or, that it is more important for him to survive." He stops for a minute while I think and then adds. "It's a tough decision. Run away. Live to fight another day. But it is rule three - Save the prince. Pray he's safe."

I don't want to agree with him. I want to get in police car # 89 and chase after the prince and bring him back, but I know Steven is right. Torin is not safe here. I quickly bow my head and say, "We haven't prayed in a long time. Maybe, it's time." I know Steven agrees because he bows his head and closes his eyes. I say:

"Dear Lord, we pray to you that we never see Prince Torin again because...." this is where I realize what I am praying and get a little choked up. "If we never see Prince Torin again, then he is safe. Please keep him safe. And, dear Lord, please keep us safe, guide us, and help us rescue our friends. Amen."

"Amen," says Steven as he sighs one big time. "Good prayer. And now Rules one and two."

I nod. "One - Help others. Two - Leave no man behind."

"Or woman," adds Steven.

"Can't forget the girls," I agree.

We load Grandpa George's weapons in car # 89 . We head for the fight.

Eliot Strange and the Prince of the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now