34) An Unexpected Guest

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We spend the next half hour talking and packing up. It feels like old times, before the end, when we would talk and talk about boys and what we were going to do the next day. It feels so normal again.

We get all the food and supplies we can carry. We hide two bags for an emergency, in case we have another one. One of my dad's rules - always have spare supplies hidden. There is one bundle too many for us to carry on the bikes.

After we drop off the food, I tell Steven I am going back to get the last box. "Go add what we got to the storehouse. See if you can round up some of those soldiers to go look for some more weapons. I bet they know where we can find some. Oh, and when I get back, we can go to your house and get Grandpa George's stash. Tell Torin, I will be back in twenty minutes."

I pull up to my home for what, I am guessing, will be the last time ever.

I am leaving it for good - stay and fight or run - I won't be back. I don't feel sad. It hasn't felt like a home since my mom's been gone. I don't feel anything.

I notice the front door open and when I get on the porch, I hear someone inside, and it sounds like they are eating. That damn Mr. Thomas. Traitor. I am going to shoot him in the face.

I throw open the door.

"Hello Els," says my cousin Carli. I can't believe what I am seeing because here is my beautiful cousin, and she is clean and healthy looking, and her hair looks like she just stepped out of a beauty parlor. I drop my gun and rush to hug her. I hug her so tight, and she hugs me right back just as tight.

"I hope you don't mind," she says taking a bite of an apple pie. "These are delicious, I was starving."

She looks as perfect as I remembered her. I glimpse my image in the mirror in the living room and even from this distance, I look like someone competing in a mud run. I rub a smudge off my face with spit.

"How?" is all I can say.

"Your mom sent someone to help me. They helped me catch a ride."

I feel like I've been slapped. Slapped so hard my neck is hurting now. "When?"

"Weeks ago. Things were getting really bad. I couldn't wash my hair. No shampoo. The water was cold. Brad was no help at all. I broke up with him. What a loser."

"So my mom sent help for you? Where is she?"

"Now Eliot, don't be mad. She told the guy to tell me she wasn't worried about you because she had a neighbor checking in on you. She said you'd be fine and look at you." She pulls me close where our faces are almost touching. "You look great Eliot. You are fine."

"I am fine," I say with what I hope is undeniable sarcasm.

She apparently does not get it or is ignoring me because she says, "Do not worry, sweet Eliot because I am here now, and things are going to be ok now."

"Where have you been all this time?"

"Oh, about. It is pretty crazy out there. Had to practically fight my way here. Had some adventures. The guy your mom sent helped me though. I'll tell you about him later. He is dreamy. And a lot more capable than Brad. This new guy is a real man's man," she says with a far away look on her face.

She is acting like we are having some kind of catch-up girly gossip session. I don't care about her new boyfriend.

I have lots of questions. "Where is this new guy?"

"I lost him," Carli says sadly. "But, I am sure he will find me."

"Where is my mom?"

"Don't know."

"Is she coming home?"

Carli shrugs.

"Is she busy?" I say with my undeniable sarcasm again.

"I guess so?" She says as she is walking around the kitchen. She reaches for a piece of paper and pulls it off the fridge. "Oh my, who is this? He looks very familiar." She points to the photo of Prince Torin in his naval uniform with "Save the Prince" written below it.

I shrug right back at her like I have no idea. I am quickly betrayed by Torin who enters through the front door.

"Eliot, I was worried about you," he turns to smile his most beautiful smile with dimples you can fall into. "Do you have company? I hope I have not intruded." 

He stops for a minute and looks at Carli as if surprised. I have seen this before. Men caught like a deer in a headlight at the sight of Carli.

"This is Carli. She was just telling me about her new boyfriend."

"Oh, he is just a friend, silly Els. I am quite single. And all alone. Except for you now dear Elie. I am so glad I finally found you."

Prince Torin has recovered from his initial shock at the sight of my cousin. "So pleased to make your acquaintance." He is not even trying to disguise himself anymore. He has the full blown British accent and charm going on.

Carli looks at the paper in her hand and looks at the prince and looks at me. I shrug again.

"Hello, your grace, I am Carli Cavanaugh." Carli is smiling her most beautiful smile right back at the prince. She brushes back her hair in a gesture that I suspect she has practiced in the mirror because it looks so perfect. She reaches out her hand, and I swear Prince Charming takes it and kisses it and introduces himself.

"Please call me Tori, all my friends do."

He's known her for two minutes and they are friends? What? Mr. I'm-so-worried-about-you-I-had-to-come-find-you finally comes out of his daze long enough to say to me, "Eliot, is this lovely creature a friend of yours?"

"Cousin," is all the information I am willing to give.

"Ah, your beloved cousin you were so worried about." He pauses again like he is surprised, but he quickly recovers. He turns to Carli, " You have survived. This is marvelous." And then back to me, " You must be so overjoyed."

"Yeah, sure I am," I say with my undeniable sarcasm again, and then I feel bad because I should be overjoyed. 

I am jealous, I consciously realize. Jealous because my mom saved Carli and let her know she was alive. Jealous because Carli is flirting with my prince, and my prince is flirting right back. And just like that, I realize he is not my prince at all. He probably thinks of me like a kid sister. I see my image in the mirror again, and I realize that I am not only a kid sister but a mud-faced, smelly tomboy too. Who would want this (me), when they could have that (Carli)?

I sigh and interrupt the conversation my ex-prince is having with his future bride. "What happened to your bodyguards?"

"I sent them on your errand. Some went to search for more weapons as you instructed. Clay and Sorenson went to scout on the enemy."

I notice that he is not looking at me at all as he is answering me. He is already under the spell of Carli. I have seen it before. It only takes one look at her. From the looks of her, she is gone too.

"We better get back. It's getting late," I say as I pick up the bundle of supplies and head out the door.

"Certainly," says Torin to me and then to Carli, "You are welcome to ride tandem on my bike. If you trust me."

"Ok," says my beautiful cousin.

"Hang on," says Torin as he takes off.

I ride behind them all the way back. As they weave and wobble, Carli is laughing and squealing. I am wondering if Torin is weaving on purpose just to get her to hold on tighter. Carli's hands are on the hips of my ex-prince. She is hanging on for dear life.

I am not going to lie even to myself. I am pissed.

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