"Do you always do this?" She asks as she goes down a while later. Her eyes crescent with glee. Her dimples showing. Daun is busily observing the surrounding that they are in, while Namjoon is leaning the bike on a huge tree as he looks at her. He is so pleased on the obvious interest on her eyes.

"Yes... It makes me happy." He beams. Biking makes him feel so normal. He feels so free. Always, his best songs were made during or after the activity. He had thought that biking makes him the happiest but he was wrong. Being with her is.

"Are you sure you are safe here?" Her question makes him giddy. The memory of the two of them running away from sasaengs comes into his mind.

"Of course. I told you. No one comes near here. Not even on weekends. It's my spot. Now, it's ours... come on." He offers his hands as he guides her towards the grassy slope.

"It would be funny if we roll towards the bottom." She jokes with a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Trust me." He playfully says as he pulls her towards his chest.

She yelps and together they laugh silly.

A while later, they are seated so close together on the ground. The winter snow had melted away yesterday, but the cold had stayed. She blushes with how she is perfectly slotted on his lap. Both of them are in thick padded jackets and mittens. His arms around her, adding the warmth on both of their bodies. Though she hesitated first, but there is nothing awkward in their position. It feels so natural, as if it they had done it for the millionth time already.

They had seated like that as they watch the darkness of the sky slowly shifting into cobalt blue. The birds chirping and the lights of the street slowly blurs with the light coming forth the earth. The towering sky scrapers emerging from the thick fog. The Han river, overlooking from their spot, beautiful as ever, is slowly waking up from it's peaceful slumber. The waters sparkle. Early boatmen creating waves on their wake.

"I had a nightmare." Her voice breaks the silence first. Her other hand caressing on another padded jacket underneath them, while the other fidgeting on his hands. He softly grumbles for her to continue. "I am so sorry Joonie for what I had done."

"Enough with sorrys already." He gently whispers as he leans his chin on her shoulder.

"You see... my father is an anti."

He stills. His brows cross. "What do you mean?"

"Anti-fate." The whisper sends goosebumps to his entire body.

"Are you?" There is vulnerability in his voice. He is afraid that she too is the same. Is she breaking their bonds? Is she officially...?

"No... I am not." He sighs as he feels her both hands firmly holding his. "Don't worry. I am not."

"Is that what kept you awake?"

"Partly... yes... partly... because I am afraid." She mumbles.

"What are you afraid of?" He wonders.

He can feel her fear and sorrow as she shakes. He tightens his embrace. "It's okay if you're not ready to say it yet."

"No. I have to say it. At least... with you." She bravely whispers.

He nods in understanding.

"I grew up believing on his lies. It hurt but for me it was the truth. I always want him to see me as his real daughter. I grew up always wanting his recognition... wanting to know why he can't love me. When I was seventeen, I learned the truth. My parents are in multiples too and he did something so horrible... It broke their bounds. It broke my family... It broke..."

She stops, heaving.

"Love..." He shifted their position. He pulls her legs to his side. She is like a baby, so vulnerable, cradled on his lap.

"I am sorry." Her head bows. "I-I almost did the same." She sniffs.

He calls her once again as he lifts her chin towards him. His heart almost breaks with the hurt in her eyes. Whatever her father did had obviously gave her a trauma towards soulmates... towards multiples.

He lovingly kisses her nose. Though her confession is a bit vague, but he kind of understands it. She is afraid that their bonds had broken too. It was possible. It is still possible. However, ... "I know only one thing, Daun-ah. Whatever, your father did, you won't do the same." His smile big as he gently caresses the tears welling up on her cheeks. "You are not your father." He gently continues. "Remember too, that the seven of us, our bounds are already strong. We just have to make it stronger with you."

She moves a bit, making herself comfortable, as she embraces him. He gulps. Her arms surround him as she buries her face on his chest. Her shoulders shaking.

"Shhhh... Let it out." He encourages her as she cries more. His hands caressing, soothing her back. "We are always here."


The sun peeks through the crimson skies. It's blessing warmth wherever it shines, just like his Daun. Their Daun. She had illuminated and warming up their darkening and freezing souls. She is indeed their sun.

"Daun-ah... The sun is already rising." He whispers, shaking her a bit.

He smiles when she just moans. It sends tingling sensation on his stomach. He looks dawn and sees her sleeping form in his arms. He wants to caress her cheeks when he feels his phone vibrating on his pockets.

"Namjoon-ah... emergency... Daun-ah is missing!" Jin's voice is in panic.

He chuckles as he softly replies with, "She is with me".

"This is not funny Kim Namjoon... I don't know where you are... we have to... ohh... She is with you." The eldest stops his rumbling as Namjoon's words finally sinks in. "Did I disturb you?"

"Nah... It's good that you called. I can't ride a bike with our sleeping Daun. Can you fetch us? Please? In my usual spot."

"What?" Jin reacts hysterically. "At your spot? At the middle of winter? Do you know how cold it is young man?"

Namjoon chuckles louder. "We'll be waiting hyung." He says as he turns off the phone, not minding the unending scolding of the eldest.


He looks around. Somehow, he can't feel a bit of cold. He is rather comfortable and warm with Daun in his arms.

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