Chapter 25: Britney ✔

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(Lucy Punch as Britney)

Waking up the next morning, Emily smiled, turning into Alistar's arm, her head resting on his chest. "Good morning, sleepyhead," he smiled, kissing her forehead. "It's 6:00. You need to get ready for work. Or you could quit and stay here with me."

"That sounds nice, but I can't leave Ben and Anna," Emily smiled, sitting up stretching her arms above her head. "I need to get ready. Are you taking me to work today?"

"I wish I could," Alistar said. "But unfortunately, the sun and I don't work too well together."

"Oh yes, of course, you're a vampire. Sorry, I forgot for a moment."

"I am happy that you can forget that," Alistar replied before pulling Emily in for a kiss. 

"I need to get up," Emily said after a moment climbing over Alistar, smiling, teasing him for a moment before getting off the bed. Alistar stood up behind Emily taking her hand, leading her to one of the bedroom cupboards opening a door, "I had some clothes delivered for you. If there is anything else you still need just let me know and I can get it." 

"What? Why would you do that?" Emily asked, irritated. Without looking at the clothes, she could guess they were from the same shop as the other clothes she had gotten from Alistar and Michael. 

"I just thought it would be easier for you to have things here when you sleepover."

"Things I could have brought from home." Emily looked up at Alistar. "Please understand, I have been working and making my own money since I was 14, and I am not comfortable with you spending your money on me." 

"So me being a vampire doesn't bother you, but me spending money on you, money that I have more than enough off that makes you uncomfortable" Laughing, Alistar pulled her into a hug. 

"I don't care if you have a tomb full of money. I don't want you spending it on me."

"Really, Ems a tomb that's where you think I keep my money?" Alistar laughed, lifting her head to look into her eyes. 

"I don't know where vampires keep their money," she answered sulkily.

"Banks and investments just like anyone else. Ok, I promise not to spend any more money on you but you have to accept that which I have already bought and before you argue you are going to be late," pushing Emily to the bathroom. "I'll go make sure Angelo is up and ready."

Thirty minutes later, Emily rushed down the stairs kissing Alistar and taking the travel cup of coffee he made for her before running to the car where Angelo was waiting. 

"Good morning. Do you mind if we quickly stop at my apartment? I need to go get something," Emily asked as she got into the passenger seat.

Before too long, Angelo and Emily stopped in front of Emily's apartment building. Getting out and walking up the stairs, they laughed about a story Angelo was telling from the time when he met Alistar and Gregory. 

Unlocking the door, Angelo froze, taking Emily's arm, preventing her from entering, placing his finger in front of his lips, and mouthing "Stay here" before going through the door and closing it behind him. Emily stood outside, trying to hear through the closed door for what felt like forever. "To hell with this," she said, rushing inside.

Emily's first reaction was utter shock. A bloody hand was smeared in a zig-zag line from the front door to her tiny living room. Her breath caught in her throat, Angelo, who had heard her come in, rushed out of her bedroom. "You don't have to see this, Emily," trying to shield her from the wall in front of her. "This is my damn house. Let me see," she shouted, looking past him.

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