Chapter 18: Emily and Nicole ✔

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(Ali Larter as Nicole)

Pulling his fingers through his hair, Alistar looked at the group. "How to explain this."

"It's certainly the first time we have to explain this to a human," Gregory said with a chuckle.

Emily looked up, a question on the tip of her tongue, but Alistar held up his hand. Slowly he began telling her about their hunt for Paul and what happened once they reached the room she was held captive in, ending with Alistar taking her to the hospital. They decided to leave out many details and that Alistar would answer them as she asked. 

Both Alistar and Gregory had decided not to reveal they're true nature until she was ready. For which Alistar was extremely grateful, this tiny young human had gotten under his skin and he was afraid that Emily would run as fast as she could if she found out she was in a house filled with immortals. 

"Why would you hunt a serial killer?" Emily asks after a moment, "Are all of you some sort of private detective's agency?"

"No, that we are not. Emily, you have to understand there is a lot of evil in this world, and someone has to fight it," Gregory explained. 

"So I was just a random victim?" Emily asked, standing up, moving to the fire, only turning around when Alistar spoke, "No, unfortunately, we don't think you were picked randomly by Paul. We know that Paul did not work alone and was working with someone else and that someone is still out there." 

"Do you have the phone with you?" Alistar asked Michael taking the phone from him that was delivered earlier. Alistar pressed on the screen and once the video started playing, he passed the phone to Emily. Watching the blood drain her face, the group became very quiet, and it was not hard to guess what was going through her mind. 

Emily closed her eyes, forcing herself to take deep breaths looking up at Alistar as he went to stand next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders pulling her to him. "This person was in my home," Emily stated more to herself than anyone else, trying to come to grips with what she just saw. "Who the freaking hell is that and what do I have to do with anything?"

"Well, doesn't this look homey" a female voice interrupted from the door, making Emily jump. 

"Nicole, you are back," Gregory stated, looking at Nicole. 

"Yes, I finished everything I needed to do," she said with a fake smile, moving to the chair Emily had just vacated. Sitting down, she threw both her legs over the armrest, showing her long legs. Dressed in a black silk top, designer matching black jeans, and black stilettos, Emily thought Nicole was the picture of perfection. She looked down, remembering she had on an oversize hoodie and yoga pants, feeling very self-conscious.

Looking Emily up and down, Nicole said, "You must be the young Emily we have heard so much about." 

"Emily, this is the last member of your team, Nicole," Alistar said, not moving his arm from Emily frowning at Nicole remembering Michael's warning. "Nice to meet you, Nicole," Emily greeted. 

Nicole gave Emily half a smile. "Oh, please continue with whatever you were talking about before I came in."

"I actually think I need to go home. I feel more confused than I was before," Emily said, turning to Alistar.

"Are you working tomorrow morning?" Alistar asked.

"No, only tomorrow afternoon."

"Then sleep here tonight, you still have a lot of questions and I don't think you should be alone." 

"Alistar, I don't know," Emily said, biting her lip. "I don't do well in new places." 

"Emily, relax. You will be ok. Tomorrow I will ask Gregory to go with you to your apartment and make sure you get to work safely" Alistar looked up at Gregory, who nodded his agreement. "Sure, I will make sure she gets home and to work." 

Putting her head on Alistar's chest, she nodded. She would give herself one night to feel safe. Tomorrow was another day, a day that she would have to deal with the fact that her only safe space in the world was not safe anymore. Alistar was right. She still had a million questions, but her brain refused to work.

Seeing her confirming that she would stay, Angelo and Michael looked at each other and said at the same time in their best girly voices, "Ooo, sleepover," bursting out laughing. Ignoring Alistar and Gregory's murderous looks. 

"Fucking grow up," Nicole swore, irritated. Standing up, she walked to the door, turning to Emily with a smile. "If you are going to sleep here tonight, you would probably need some things, and if you come with me, I can get them for you."

Emily's cheeks were burning looking at the giggling idiots on the sofa. Reluctantly she left Alistar's embrace and followed Nicole out of the sturdy and up the stairs. She walked a step or two behind Nicole, fighting with herself every step of the way to not turn around and run back to Alistar. Nicole scared her. 

Nicole opened a door, smiling, waiting for Emily to enter. Closing the door behind them as they entered. The room was beautifully done with a big kingsize bed in the middle. The room was decorated in blue and white. Still, with a smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes, Nicole walked over to the walk-in closet. "Let's see what you will need" Not waiting for an answer, Nicole took out a t-shirt and some shorts handing them to Emily. "You can sleep in these. Pretty sure they will fit. They are too big for me." 

"Thank you," Emily said, ignoring the sting in Nicole's words. 

Nicole walked over to the on-suit bathroom coming back with brand new toiletries, which she also handed to Emily. Taking Emily's chin between her fingers, she moved Emily's face this way and that way. "It is quite remarkable," Nicole said, studying Emily's face. 

"What?" Emily asked, her voice shaking, her brain screamed at her to run, but her body was frozen.

"How much you do look like Alistar's dead wife."

"Dead wife?"

"Oh sweetie, you didn't think he liked you for you, did you?" Nicole laughed. "Alistar has ever only loved one woman and you will mean nothing more to him than a stand-in for his precious Isabelle." 

Emily's body decided that now was a good time to run. Turning around,  Emily was almost blinded with tears threatening to fall. Tonight was just the last straw. Everything was becoming too much. Storming out of Nicole's room towards the stairs. Nicole's laughter rang in her ears. Not looking where she was going, Emily ran into Alistar, his arms moving around her, keeping her from falling. 

"Baby, are you ok?" lifting her chin, Alistar looked concerned at the tears in Emily's eyes. His vampire side screamed at him to let him out to go rip Nicole's head off for making Emily cry, "Did Nicole do something to you?'

"," Emily stumbled over the words, "I need to sleep. I am just a bit tired and emotional. Will you please show me to my room?"

"Come, my room is this way."

"No-no-no," Emily froze. "I am sorry for what happened in my apartment and how that would look, but I will definitely not share your bed." 

Alistar looked down at Emily for a moment. He looked hurt at her words, "Emily, you need to know that in this house, you are safe. Nothing is going to happen to you that is against your will. You sleeping in my room is a way for me to keep an eye on you while you sleep." 

Tired, a giggle escaped Emily's mouth. "Yes, because that doesn't sound creepy at all."

Laughing, Alistar picked her up as one would a child and walked to his room. Emily would not lie to herself, and she was more than a little relieved the room was the furthest from Nicole's room. 

Opening the door, Alistar walked through, only putting Emily down once they were safely inside and the door was closed behind them.  

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