Chapter 11: Nicole ✔

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Driving away from the house, Nicole was mad as hell! Taking it out on Michael's car, Nicole stepped on the accelerator and took turns as fast as she could.

"Did they really think I don't know what's going on?" Nicole said to herself, slamming the steering wheel hard enough to crack it. "Damn you, Michael" Nicole knew that it was Michael's doing that she was sent on an errand. He was the only one that had any idea she was not what she seemed, but luckily for her, Michael could not prove anything. Unfortunately, last night when the girl was found, her masked slip for a moment and gave him one more reason not to trust her. Nicole had gone too long without feeding and the smell of the blood mixed with jealousy seeing Alistar's reaction to the little human girl had almost cost her everything.

Nicole had tried once before to kill Michael. But the gypsy curse was too strong for her to break and she had tried her best the last couple of years to break it. The night a couple of years ago, when Nicole first realized that Michael had seen through her facade, she tried to kill him in a car accident. Being just a human, she didn't think he would be able to walk away after the car exploded but unfortunately for Nicole, the only thing that didn't make it was the 1964 Ford GT40 collectible. Which was a pity she really liked that car.

Nicole knew she needed to feed. Playing miss goody two shoes was very difficult while she was thirsty. She turned the car to the poorest neighborhood. There was always someone walking the streets that no one would miss. That was the advantage of living in a big city.

Getting blood was much easier when Paul was alive, and he usually had either a fresh victim or some blood in storage. Unfortunately, Paul was no more as he was no longer needed for their plan to destroy the group. So, for now, it would have to be back to hunting herself without drawing too much attention to herself. She could not let the group think there was a new monster to catch.

After feeding, Nicole felt much better. With the new blood flowing through her, she felt stronger and more in control. Wiping the last drop of blood from her mouth, she smiled, "there is nothing like fresh blood," looking back, making sure no one would see the body from behind the dumpster where she left it. Dumb gangster wannabee thought he had hit the jackpot when she pretended that Michael's car had mechanical problems. Laughing at the fool, she loved the look on his face when she gripped him by the throat, lifting him from the ground. First utter shock, then fear. It was almost as intoxicating as the blood itself.

Not really in the mood to drive anywhere yet, she walked to the car leaning against the side, arms resting on the roof, looking at city lights.

"What to do about a little redhead?" Nicole said a couple of times, tapping on the roof hard enough to leave a dent. "Maybe I should just make you disappear?" Nicole said out loud. Think about this. She knew that he would not be happy about it and Alistar and the rest of the group would always wonder what happened to her, but Nicole was good at getting rid of bodies. She had lost of practice the last couple of years.

Nicole got back into the car and drove over to St John's hospital with an evil smile. She stopped close to the ER door and entered the hospital without being seen. Nicole took a moment to get her bearings, quickly finding the stairs. Using her super speed, she reached the fourth floor in a few seconds. But before Nicole could open the door, she was thrown back, but before she could hit the ground, a hand gripped around her neck, pulling her up.

"What are you doing here, Nicole?" Luther growled at her, showing teeth. "Answer me if you value your life."

For the first time in many years, Nicole felt fear and Luther could see it in her eyes, pressing a bit harder with his thumb. "Luther, please, stop," Nicole was able to whisper.

"Alistar asked me to check on her."

"Don't lie to me!" Luther interrupted her hitting her head against the wall.

"I wanted to kill her!" Nicole cried. She had never been able to lie to Luther, but as the words left her mouth, Nicole knew it was the wrong thing to say. Before she could do anything to protect herself, Luther dragged her to the roof.

"Why?" he hissed through closed teeth.

"What is so special about this one?" Nicole asked, raising her voice, "What is she to Alistar?"

"It has nothing to do with you! I have searched centuries for her and you will not touch her do I make myself clear!" Luther shouted out the words, "I will not have you or anyone else get in my way. I have made you Nicole. I can end you just as easily."

Throwing her down on the ground, Luther turned around.

"I am sorry, Luther, I will never go against you again," Nicole cried, moving to Luther's side, clinging to his arm. Nicole looked like a small child begging forgiveness from her parent.

"Your affection for Alistar is becoming a problem," Luther said softly, turning to Nicole taking her in his arms, using his thumb to lightly stroke her cheek. "But don't worry, soon his little family will be broken up and he will come back to me with you by his side."

Dropping his arm, Luther pushed Nicole to the door. "Go home, Nicole. I need you to help me finish what we started," Luther said kindly.

As Nicole walked away, Luther called her back, "O and Nicole, don't disappoint me again" Not waiting for an answer, Luther turned around and jumped off the roof, disappearing into the night.

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