Chapter 21: Alistar's Vampire Side ✔

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Hearing Alisar shout, Gregory stormed into the study just as Emily slipped out of the front door.

"What's wrong? Where is Emily?"

"Who told her about Isabelle?" Alistar demanded, struggling to keep his vampire side inside.

"No one, Alistar. Where is Emily?" 

"How did she know about Isabelle?" Alistar asked again, his eyes turning black

"NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT ISABELLE," Gregory's wolf repeated

"Why is the front door open?" Angelo asked, walking into the study, his eyes going between the Vampire and Gregory struggling to keep his wolf under control.

"Both of you need to calm down NOW," Angelo commanded, standing between them, his hands raised. Blue sparks flew around him as he commanded not his old friends but the immortals inside them. 

"Damn it, Alistar, where is Emily?" Gregory asked again with his voice more normal. 

Alistar sat down. "I don't know. I was afraid I would lose control, so I asked her to leave."

"You idiot!" Michael said from the door, "Emily was already unsure how to handle this morning and now you have probably scared her half to death."

Alistar froze, it felt like the room was spinning. He rushed to the door. "I didn't think she would leave the house. We need to find her."

Grabbing his arm Gregory pulled him back, "It's daytime, you can't do anything" turning to Michael, "You need to go see your contact and get blood, now!" 

"Angelo, take your car. I will take mine. If you find her call me."

The three stormed out of the study as if they were one person, leaving Alistar alone. Frustrated, Alistar grabbed the desk throwing it on its side, giving a loud cry as if in pain. And Alistar was in pain. It felt like his chest was being ripped open, not just of the thirst but also with all the feelings he was starting to feel for Emily, feelings he thought he would never feel again. 

Jumping as a female hand came to rest on his shoulder, for a moment thinking it was Emily, he turned around only to see Nicole standing in front of him.

"What do you want, Nicole?" Alistar asked, looking at her, remembering when he found Emily on the stairs last night.

"Alistar, are you ok? What happened to your desk" Nicole asked, moving closer to Alistar, her hand moving down his arm. "Look at what that little human is doing to you."

"I would think twice before I continue if I were you, Nicole," Alistar said softly, staring into Nicole's eyes. His face moving down to hers, Alistar's one hand moving to her throat, his thumb moving caressingly under her ear.  

"She is not good enough for you, not like I am," Nicole whispered, leaning into his hand and closing her eyes. 

Alistar whispered in Nicole's ear, "How did she know about Isabelle?" pressing harder on Nicole's throat. 

"What do you mean?" Nicole tried to say with confidence, but her voice trembled. Her eyes were wide open with shock and fear.

"Don't lie to me. You were the only other one alone with Emily who could have told her anything" Alistar pressed a bit harder "How much force do you think I would need to pop off your head? Answer me," He shouted, lifting Nicole up from the ground by her neck. 

"I didn't mean to say anything. I swear, please, please forgive me," Nicole cried. 

Discussed, Alister dropped her to the ground. "The moment the sun goes down tonight, you leave this house! I have no use for someone I can not trust in this group." 

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