Mr. Budgen sort of looked at me in disbelief that I knew so much about the play which shocked me because I thought it would have been obvious. He cleared his throat before resuming his teaching.

"Ye...yes thank you Lindsay. Very clear recount of the main factors of the play. Now, your task for today is to write a 500 word essay discussing all the main factors that lead up to both Romeo and Juliet dying. Off you go." He informed us before going to sit back behind his desk.

The classroom fell into faint talking but not complete silence. I looked over at Mr. Budgen who was wearing earphones which were plugged into a radio. Why is he wearing those when he's supposed to be teaching a class? It's unbelievable! I nudged Lauren and whispered:

"Why is Budgen wearing earphones?"

"Probably listening to the horse racing. Massive gambler is Budgen." Lauren replied back, her voice still a whisper also.

I just nodded my head and continued with my work. Although, I'm struggling to concentrate because I was faced with the distraction of a certain Finn Sharkey kicking the back of my chair. I chose to ignore it for a while but now he was getting too persistent to the point where I couldn't focus.

"What?!" I yelled but still trying to keep my tone to a minimum level.

"What have you written?" He asked.

Best friends all of a sudden now are we? I don't think so Mr. Sharkey!

"Why would I tell you?" I replied as I rolled my eyes and turned back round in my seat.

I picked up my pen and continued writing to which I heard Finn shout behind me:

"Fine! Be a little Miss Goody Two Shoes!" as he slammed his pen down on the table.

I just sat there and began smirking. Have I gotten to Mr. Sharkey? Maybe I do know the way to get him to like me. Is it a case of playing him at his own game?


I wandered down the corridor, heading to my locker. I grabbed what I needed out of there and closed the door when I came face to face with a boy who I had never seen before. He was rather skinny with black hair and a face that made him look younger than he probably was.

"You're rather pretty aren't you?" He asked as he smirked at me.

"Who are you?" I questioned, hoping I could convince him to leave me alone.

"Nosy aren't you?" He retorted, still smirking which was making me feel rather uncomfortable.

"Leave me alone!" I cried as I tried to walk past him but he grabbed me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and backed me into a corner, making me feel a lot more uncomfortable than I was previously and slightly threatened. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes and my hands got clammy.

"Let's not be too hasty. How about we get to know each other a bit better?" The guy quizzed, still not even telling me his name.

"Please leave me alone." I timidly spoke, a stray tear escaping my eye.

The tears kept escaping the more I was stood face to face with him. I was showing him I was weak and that was the worst possible thing I could do. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but his force on me was too strong so my body sort of gave up. He continued to lean in closer and he almost kissed me until I heard someone shout:

"Oi Kyle!"

I turned my head to see Finn flying down the stairs in a fit of rage. He pulled Kyle off me and slammed him up against a locker whilst I just stood there upset and also slightly confused.

The Bad Boy of Waterloo RoadWhere stories live. Discover now