29) Birthday Surprise

Start from the beginning

"So, not at all like you?"

I cut my eyes at him. Annoyed again. "Are you and Jack close?"

"We were. We grew up together. We were in the navy together. We trained together. We were the best of friends. I loved him, like a brother." He puts his fork down and stops eating.

"I'm sorry. What happened to him? What happened to the other people protecting you? Steven said you had an entourage."

"They are all dead."

"I'm sorry. What happened?"

"Killed by the bad guys. I don't know who they were. They ambushed us in the hotel, shortly after the lights went out. Security put me in the bathroom. Jack wasn't there when it started, but he was there when it was all over. I heard shouting and many shots were fired. Jack told me to run. When I didn't hear anymore shooting, I went out the window as they were breaking down the door. I fell off the roof and landed in a river. It was the only thing that saved me. Since that night I have headed south, hoping to get to a port. Find a way out of the country. I have been hiding away from others because I didn't know who I could trust."

I touch his hand. "Torin, you have got people here in this town that you can trust."

"Thank you, sweet Eliot, but I will not be anyone's pawn. And I will not let anyone else be in danger on my behalf. I will be leaving shortly. On my own."

I don't know what to say. Leaving? Without me? I look at him, and he says, "But I am not leaving today because it is your birthday, and we are celebrating." He pours me another inch of wine.

"When? Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Probably not tomorrow because we will be busy."


"Yes, there's to be a rescue."


"Yes, I have found your Steven and his nana and several others. They are captured by our enemy. We are going to their rescue. Eat hearty my lovely lady for tomorrow we storm the castle."

I smile. Prince Torin is completely irresistible even when I know he is playing the part of some pretend prince. I'm still worried about Steven and Nana, but not so worried that I want to break the spell I am under. "So," I say. "Since it is my birthday, and I am now quite the lady." I hold my pinky up as I raise my glass to take a drink of courage. "Will I be getting that kiss? A real kiss this time? A kiss from the prince?"

"My lady, are you intoxicated again?"

I shake my head no.

"Then there is no moral dilemma here then?"

I shake my head no.

"No depravity? No act of moral turpitude?"

I shake my head no again.

" A gentleman must do what his lady requests, especially on her birthday."

I nod and smile what I think is my most beguiling come hither smile. Torin leans in to kiss me. He pauses to look at me before he places his hand on my chin and tilts my head up. As our lips touch, my mouth opens just a little, and I close my eyes because that is what you are supposed to do when you kiss your prince. He kisses me again and once more until I can't tell where each kiss begins, and then he abruptly pulls away.

No good? Am I not any good?

He answers my silent question with, "Young, you are very young. My mother warned me about robbing a cradle."

Eliot Strange and the Prince of the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now