wen chao was the cause for his brother's suffering, he was the reason why lan y/n has been pushed so far, to the point where he had to rely on dirty tricks like demonic cultivation. wangji tightened his hold on his guqin.

jiang cheng was the same. he already knew that lan y/n was not the type to just divulge his secrets to anybody but to think that he would keep such a fact from him. maybe it was lan y/n's way of protecting him, but, whatever the reason was, jiang cheng's already immense hatred for the qishan wen clan had grown even stronger. "what did you just say?" jiang cheng seethed, his eyes shooting daggers at the scumbag standing before him. wen chao noticed the harsh glare the two men were giving him. he scoffed, "what do i mean?" he mocked. "i heard that you were still searching for wei wuxian, but lan y/n? hah! that monster had it coming." wen chao laughed boisterously.

"you poor fools. you have no chance to find the two of them, not even if you scoured every corner in the world!" wangji tightened the grip on his guqin. "i threw wei wuxian in the yiling burial mounds quite some time ago, and as for lan y/n... ha!" wen chao laughed again. "after we removed his golden core, we threw him down the qiongqi path!" he exclaimed. "not even a trace of their bones would be left by now. oh, lan y/n, that poor, naïve little boy's soul should be devoured by the qiong qi's spirit by now! you won't be able to find his spirit either, because the qiong qi would've eaten him already." wangji gritted his teeth. his blood boiled in anger as he thought of his little brother, and of wei wuxian.

just how much did the two of them truly suffer when they were with the wens?

the two of them once had the brightest smiles on their faces no matter what form of adversity came their way, and now, wangji would never get to see those smiles again. he released a loud battle cry as he picked up his guqin. with one final burst of strength, he gathered the strings of his guqin and sent a powerful wave of spiritual energy towards wen chao. but the young master was unbothered as wen zhuliu stepped in. he sent out an even more powerful wave of energy, completely overwhelming the exhausted lan wangji, sending him flying backward.

wen chao stepped inside the fortress. he stopped just a few feet in front of wangji. "just die here, and all of you scum can reunite in hell." jiang cheng was shoved down to the ground, and beside lan wangji. swords were pointed at them as wen chao smiled, impatiently waiting for them to be beheaded.

then all of a sudden, a single crow flew past wen zhuliu, followed by another, then another, until an entire swarm came after them. "w-what's the matter?" wen chao asked a creeped-out look on his face. he looked all over at his surroundings, then, the sound of a flute rung through the air, and as if on cue, all of the flames surrounding them inside the fortress turned green, before turning crimson as the sound of an erhu flowed in perfect harmony with the flute.

eerie green flames mixed with the crimson flames, the two colors swirling and clashing with each other as if they were engaged in a passionate dance. "guards! come here!" wen chao ordered as he hid behind wen zhuliu. he looked up and saw two figures standing on the roof, one was playing the flute, while the other, the erhu. "rise," a dark voice commanded. the dead bodies of the qishan wen disciples rose from the ground on command, their mouths open and their teeth bare. "demonic arts... they're using demonic arts!" wen chao cried in fear.

the music grew louder, and more terrifying to the ears despite how well the melody was played by the two figures up on the roof. "kill them." the voice spoke again. "kill them all!!!" the flames bursted, scattering everywhere before converging into one spot. the flames turned black as it formed into what looked to be, a four-legged beast, before a pair of beady red eyes appeared at the spot where its supposed head was. it released a loud roar as the music got louder. the flame beast breathed fire from its 'mouth,' melting actual buildings into nothingness as the walking corpses of the qishan wen clan attacked and tore apart the members of their own clan, completely ignoring those who didn't don the sun robes.

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