"Y/N HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Selever yelled loud enough for me to hear between all the beeps and screams.

"GIVE ME A SECOND GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled back as I grabbed my bag.





"FOR SATIN FUCKING SAKE!" Selever yelled before grabbing my hand and jumping out the plane.

"OH YOU SAID JUMP!" I realized.

"YEAH FUCKING DUMB ASS" I rolled my eyes at him

It felt like we were falling at the speed of light. I waited for Selever to give me a signal to open my wings to keep us from crashing into the earth and possibly dying.

Selever has a special sense when it comes to air. He can tell how far he is when he flies up and knows when he's close to the ground to slow down. It's pretty weird but a rare talent for demons to have.

"NOW!" We both opened out wings making us fly up quickly then slowly slowly glide down.

"Well that was intense." I said as we landed on the ground.

guns instantly pointed at me. "Uh oh.."

"Hey this is a war zone! You both are trespassing." A man with a black suit told us.

"Look I'm not looking for a fight shorty so lower your guns and no one gets hurt." Selever tried to negotiate.

"Don't forget your little friend is being held at gun point." The man said with a smug look.

I gave Selever that look and he grunted when he knew what I meant.

He pulled out the mic I gave him and said "How about we rap it out?"

The man gave it a thought. "Sure why not it's been a long day let's see what you got!"

The first song went by. Selever seemed proud he won but the man know as Tankman wasn't having it.

"Hah! Pretty tight bars for a man who's simping over an ugly demonic teenager."

"Shut the hell up bob the war builder!" I questioned his comeback but I found it pretty funny.

The henchmen inched their guns closer to my head when I laughed.

"Lets see whats funny after we WAIST YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Selever's eyes widened as Tankman's grin grew.

"MEN! PREPARE TO FIRE!" I squinted my eyes.

I got kicked off the speakers and saw a ginger with two guns. It seemed They knew each other as the ginger glared at Tankman.

"The names Pico. DD and MM sent me." He said as he went back to shooting the henchmen.

"STEVE! OK THATS IT YOU FUCKING RUNTS!" Tankman yelled as we got ready.

Tankman started to sing while me and Selever were getting ready for our turn. This time it was harder since me and Selever had to dodge all the dirt that was flying in our direction, making it hard to see.

Pico was shooting all of the other war men that came our way.

There were several explosions, tanks going off, and even smoke from the tanks.

Tankman was singing pretty fast but luckily we were able to keep up.

Pico was running ever where. It was like watching an anime while watching him fight. It was one man against about 500 henchmen.

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now