Chapter 41- Happy Accidents

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"I take it your fall from heaven didn't go as planned." Jean said smoothly and winked at the dangling girl, who blushed a dark crimson. Jean began to climb the tree with ease stopping to perch on one of the sturdier looking branches
"Lost for words I see. Don't worry, I would be too if I stared upon such a fine specimen such as myself." The girl giggled.

"Please could you help me down. The bloods rushing to my head."

"Of course. I'll have you down in no time.Although are you sure it's not my charm that's causing your heart to flutter?" Jean swiftly began to unbuckle her ODM gear.

"Wait! I'm going to fall if you do that!" She called out in terror looking up towards him.

"Relax. I've got you. Do you trust me?" Jean asked looking down at her as she nodded hesitantly. Pulling the straps away from her clothing she began to slip downwards but Jean held her firmly by her belt. His muscular arm's keeping her from plummeting to the ground.

Her chest rose and fell quickly in fear as she looked back to the ground her hair tie came loose causing her dark brown hair to also dangle towards the ground.

"Hey, hey, keeps your eyes up here. I'm sure it's a much better view." Jean poked her leg to draw her attention grinning.

"O-okay. Sorry." She looked back up towards him as he finished untangling her from the wires.

"Now comes the part where you really have to trust me. Give me your hand." He instructed.

"I can't..." She said her voice wobbling. Jean reached his hand out further towards hers in reassurance before she also reached up and he pulled her upright into a sitting position in the tree their bodies pressed against each other.

"Thank you." She said blushing madly at being so close to her charming hero.

"You're very welcome. I'm Jean. If you ever get stuck again don't be afraid to call out for me, okay?" He brushed a strand of hair from her face as she nodded. "I've not seen you around here before. I'm sure I would have remembered you. Are you a new recruit?" Jean jumped down from the tree holding out his hand once again to help her down.

"Yes, I am. I'm Amy. It's nice to meet you, and thank you again for helping me." The pair began to walk across the courtyard making small talk whilst Jean examined Amy's face admiring it.

"Like I said. It's no problem. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Now, my real question is how did you even get stuck up there in the first place?" Jean asked in curiosity.

"Well, its.. kind of embarrassing... I was walking around in my gear to see if I'd tightened the harness enough and I pressed the trigger button..." She hid her face in shame at her silly mistake.

"Oh... Damn..." Jean let out a chuckle. "I wish I could have seen that."

"I'm glad you didn't... I feel really stupid..." Amy grimaced. "Besides, all those cheesy lines you did back there wouldn't have worked if you'd have seen me go flying into the tree first."

"Yeah... Guess I maybe went a bit far with those... Sorry.... I have a tendency to do that." Jean scratched at his dirty blonde mullet also becoming embarrassed that she'd called him out on the one of his cringier habits.

"I should probably hurry. I'm probably very late to Squad Leaders Zacharias lecture." She said pausing as they stood in silence for a moment.

"CADET KIRSCHTEIN!" Levi yelled half out of the window. Y/n clung to his left leg trying to hold him back.

"Jean... I suggest you hurry I can't hold him back for much longer. He might be small but he's stronger than he looks!" She yelled out

"Looks like thats me. Things to do, beatings to avoid." Jean motioned to the flailing Levi with his thumb. Amy stifled a laugh seeing the Captain looking like an angry Chihuahua held back by it's leash.

"Good luck with that one." She smiled at Jean before turning to leave

"Maybe I'll see you at dinner?!" Jean called out after her as he sauntered over towards Levi.

"Maybe." She said before rounding the corner. The moment Amy was out of sight Jean fell to his knees pleading his eyes full of fear

"Please don't kill me. I've got so much to live for!!!" He blubbed as y/n finally released Levi, after receiving a kick to the jaw. He subsequently fell head first out of the window landing with a thud on the gravel. The courtyard was silent. The only sound for miles being Jean's weeping and the sound of Levi's blood boiling as he got up his face grubby from his fall.

Connie and Sasha's red faces popped up both holding their breath to avoid bursting out in fits of laughter.

Christa knelt beside y/n who clutched her jaw in pain from the accidental kick Levi had given her.

"Are you okay?" Christa asked fussing over her.

"Yeah I'm fine just bruised." Y/n brushed it off rubbing at her jaw and stretching her arms.

"You should go to Medical." Christa insisted.

"Really, I'm fine. I'm more worried for Jean's safety right now if I'm honest."

Levi had Jean by the ear and was reading him his rights.Meanwhile Connie and Sasha rolled around on the floor silently finding Jean's sullen expression a little too hilarious.

"What in the walls is happening?" Erwin asked approaching in the courtyard outside having heard the commotion caused by Jean's incessant pleading for his life.

"Commander Erwin, sir! Y/n is injured and I believe she needs medical attention!" Christa piped up.

Erwin's voice boomed in a serious tone.
"Captain. My office."

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora