Chapter 13: Runaway

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I hurried from the building running down the stairs and pushing past the MP's on the gate.

"Oi watch it!" They yelled as I ran down the street and around the corner. I hoped that Erwin wouldn't be angry enough to tell the MP's about what I'd done. I didn't want to face my superiors and tell them I was officially a fugitive. I checked my watch.


I was supposed to meet them at 4 so I would have to make my way over there and lie low until they arrived. It also gave me enough time to come up with some excuse as to why I didn't have the blueprints or my notebook anymore.

I pulled up the hood of my coat and began walking towards the westernmost wall.

'I lost it.' yeah that wouldn't slip by him.

'Someone stole it?' no that wouldn't work either.

'I memorised it.' that could work.

'I memorised it to be less suspicious.' Perfect. That's what I'll tell him.

I wondered what would happen to my job, my home. Would it all be gone if I ever was able to return? If Erwin really did tell the MP's they'd put out a bounty for me. What would Stefan say?

I needed to stop thinking about the future and focus on what was happening right now. I was about to go home. See my friends and family once again. This time I wouldn't be caught up in meetings and briefings or training the entire visit.

I soon arrived at the westernmost gate which seemed overly crowded with garrison today. I walked around the back of a building closest to the gate and walked inside going down into the basement and retrieving the ropes and hook I would need to scale the wall. God, I hated this part.

I exited the house holding the rope along with some footholds and a hammer. I hoped Marley would come up with some other way to get people in and out soon.

I checked my watch once again.

3:45 pm.

I should get to climbing. It might take me a while. I tied myself into the rope making sure I was secured before beginning my ascent of the 50-metre wall.

Slowly but surely hoisting myself up hammering in foot and handholds and using the pulley hooks hammered in previously to pull me up.

The most difficult part was yet to come. Twisting myself upside down I carefully removed the holds behind me so as not to cause suspicion if anyone came across them. The blood rushed to my head and small black dots clouded my vision. I turned myself right way up again and continued in the same pattern until I reached the top.

Luckily for us, the garrison were usually far too drunk to notice the hammering sounds or see a small figure climbing the wall from behind the cover of the houses closest to the gate.

Finally, I pulled myself up lying flat on top of the wall panting my hands red from rope burn.

4:15 pm

I sat up and shuffled over to the other side of the wall peering down seeing him sat back against the wall waiting.

I pushed the rope through the pulley the scouts themselves had set up to use to hoist materials over the wall and lowered myself down. The descent was always much more pleasant. No need to hang upside down or risk being spotted.

I landed a few metres from him and yanked the rope down stepping back to allow it to fall into a heap on the ground. I gathered it up and wrapped it as he stood up and put out his cigarette on the ground. He stamped on it and before burying it.

"Took you long enough." He said

"Sorry, I was seeing if the garrison were drunk enough to remain unspotted." I lied.

"It's fine. We should get going. The horse is just over that hill there. Good to see you."

"Good to see you too Zeke." I said hesitantly and we began the quick sprint over the hill. It was true that I missed my home but I hadn't missed Zeke's attitude one bit. He always had something negative to say and I'm not sure when he decided he was better than everyone else, but it was probably around the time he got promoted above me.

Just because he's was a warrior didn't mean he had any more training than any of the other agents, if anything he had far less hands in experience. He's not even older. Plus his smoking habit was terrible. I'd never seen him for more than a hour without a cigarette in his hand.

Luckily, it didn't take long to reach the horse as a couple of mindless titans had already begun wandering towards us.

Zeke mounted the horse and I got onto the saddle just behind him. As we rode I held onto his shoulders to steady myself. He smelt of smoke and sweat and the collar of his shirt was slightly stained brown. I wished more than anything to be breathing in the lavender of Erwin's skin instead of riding for hours holding my breath.

The journey was fairly long despite having a clear and direct route. However,we were lucky to not encounter any titans along the way.

The dock grew ever closer and before I knew it we were dismounting and climbing aboard a small sailing boat just big enough for the two of us and the horse.

The light was fading quickly and we wouldn't reach Marley until after nightfall. I settled the horse below decks and then layed down on one of the benches as closed my eyes. Maybe 30 minutes passed before Zeke came down to talk to me.

"So, did you get them?" Zeke said plainly standing in the doorway.

"The blueprints? Umm...Well-" I sat up as Zeke lit another cigarette. God's know how many of those he gets through in a day.

"Yes or no. And if it's a no, we might as well turn around now." Zeke was not the type to play games or beat around the bush. I knew full well that he would turn the boat around and drop me off leaving me to be snacked on by some titan scum.

"It's a long story. But yes, I have them." I picked at my nails.

"Good. Maybe you're not as much of a let down as I thought." Zeke blew smoke in my face before walking back above deck. "We'll be arriving in Liberio in 20 minutes so don't fall back asleep."

"Okay, I won't." I replied quietly. My stomach growled, I hadn't had time to eat anything that day yet.

I opened my bag to see if I had anything to snack on in there but all I found was a crumpled piece of paper and a couple of buds of dried up lavender that must have fallen off the sprigs that I bought to make more soap for Erwin.

It was a sorry sight, much like that of the relationship I had worked so hard to build.

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin