Chapter 23: Like or Like Like

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I rose early determined to make breakfast for both myself and Stefan. I cooked an omelette for each of us and set it on the table before going to wake Stefan.

"Stefan? I made us some breakfast ..." I said softly standing a few steps down my chin resting on the top railing that bordered the stairs. He stirred and yawned rubbing his eyes and as he blinked awake his forest green irises glistened in the sunlight that streamed in through the open curtains. He stretched and sat up.

"Good morning..." he smiled at me scratching his head his hair a mess of curls as always. "Your bed must be more comfortable than mine...I slept so much better here than I have in a long while." He blushed suddenly. Perhaps realising that it might have been because he had the warmth of someone next to him all night rather than simply a better mattress.

"Well food is getting cold so get a wriggle on. " I said jokingly and headed back downstairs. I sat down at the table and poured some water into cups which I set next to our plates of steaming food. Stefan soon joined me seated opposite to me.

"Wow, it looks really good!" He smiled hungrily, picking up the fork and knife that I had laid out beside his plate. We both tucked in. He was right it was good. My cooking had exceeded my own expectations once again.

"I...uhh.... I don't have work today ..." Stefan stated hesitantly. "I was m-might like to a-accompany me into town?" Stefan stuttered out shoving a bite of omelette into his mouth.

"HM. Sure sounds like fun." I said nonchalantly also shovelling food into my mouth washing it down with water. "Let me just get ready then." I finished my food and went back upstairs to get changed.

"I-I'll just go back to my house quickly to get changed..." Stefan said and shortly after I heard the front door close. I got ready fairly quickly and waited for Stefan to return. I cleaned up from breakfast and read a few pages of my book before I heard a knock at the door.

I stood up and pushed my book back onto the shelf my fingers lingering on its cover.

"Common Wildflowers"

I smiled a little before moving towards the door. Opening it with a broad smile.
"Hey! Ready?" I said excitedly.
He was wearing a light blue shirt tucked into brown cordouroy trousers. His navy bow tie was slightly askew and draped over his arm was a dark green tweed suit jacket that I'm sure I had seen Roy wear numerous times.

"Wow! You sure dressed up." I swallowed my giggle and smiled.


Stefan's face flushed with embarrassment. He knew his outfit wasn't exactly perfect but he didn't think it was so bad. After all, all he wanted to do was impress her and now he felt dejected.

"Y-you look really beautiful" he said admiring y/n's outfit. She wore a long cotton dress which reached just above her ankles. The fabric was white cotton patterned with tiny yellow polka dots and a small golden bow sat at the centre of the sweetheart neckline.

He held out his hand shakily towards her his palms moistened with anxiety. She took it and squeezed it tightly as they walked down the path away from her home and into the town.

As they perused the stalls, the chatter of the crowds was drowned out by the shouting of vendors wanting to sell their wares. It was a truly busy market day. Stefan and y/n stuck close to each other trying not to be separated. But as the crowds grew ever thicker it was harder to keep hold of each others hand. Stefan paused to admire a florist's stall and as he did so y/n let go of his hand and moved on with the crowd towards a stall selling pastries and other delicious looking foods.

The bearded florist took a puff from his cigarette before calling out to Stefan.

"Looking for anything in particular?" The vendor asked.

"U-um... Yes... I'm looking for something for... A girl?" Stefan mumbled.

"Ah... The woman you were walking with just now... I see." He turned to look through some vases that held hundreds of different flowers before turning back to Stefan. "What about these? They're said to symbolise romantic affection for someone. I'm sure they'd get your message across loud and clear."

Stefan grinned. "Yes, I'll take 5!" He said eagerly. If only he had known confessing his feelings for her could have been so easy he would have done it sooner.

The vendor nodded and handed them over as Stefan slid his coins across to him.

"Have a good day sir!" Stefan said happily hurrying off to catch up with y/n

"You too, young man. You too..." The Vendor said scratching the top of his ear with his finger.

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