Chapter 40- Fields of gold

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We split apart and I moved to stand behind Erwin's desk chair so as not to appear suspicious.

"Sorry. I hope I wasn't.... Interrupting anything... Wink wink." Hange exclaimed walking in through the door and saluting Erwin.

"No. Of course not." Erwin replied running his palm over his hair to smooth it back into place.

"Well, we're all ready for you down at the lab." Hange smiled.

"Alright. What's Levi doing at the moment?" Erwin stood and I helped him on with his jacket.

"I do believe he's in the classroom downstairs with the cadets doing some cleaning. As per usual." Hange held open the door for us to exit.

"Alright. We'll escort Miss y/n down there first and then be on our way." Hange nodded and Erwin exited the room walking into the hallway stopping to wait for me. After I picked up my cardigan and my book I followed, into the corridor.

"Is that okay with you?" Erwin asked me his blue eyes glimmering in the strands of light that flooded the hall from the large windows that looked out into the courtyard.

"Of course. I've still got a lot more to read and it was just getting interesting." I grinned. Despite knowing that Levi would be as bristly with me as ever I was sure he wouldn't hassle me if I stayed out of his way.

After making our way downstairs we parted ways as I turned the corner almost bumping into Levi who was leaning again the wall outside of the classroom.

"Oh uhh... Hey Captain Levi... I've been instructed to come down here while Erwin goes for his meeting?"

He pushed open the door and pointed inside. As he did so the cadets scrambled to go back to cleaning having clearly been taking a break. I bowed a little before walking in letting the door close behind me.

"Uhh hi there everyone..." I sat down on a chair close to the window and began to read my book.

"Whatcha reading y/n?" Connie asked me.

"Oh just a romance novel. It's really quite good "

"Is it about you and Commander Erwin?" He laughed

"No, but it is about me and your mom." I laughed in response expecting woops or groans. But instead there was just silence. Connie dropped his cleaning rag on the ground and sat down on the ground his eyes welling with tears.

"You can't just say stuff like that y/n..." Sasha eventually spoke up.

Realising that I might have said something sensitive my face fell.
"Connie... I'm so sorry ... I didn't know..." I crouched down.

"It's fine. No big deal." Connie wiped his eyes. "My mom got out. It's fine." He stood back up just as Levi cracked open the door and everyone sprung back to work.

"I hear a lot of talking and not a lot of cleaning. Get to it." He snapped closing the door again.

I returned to my chair sitting down and watching the cadets work for a short while. They were all busy cleaning desks and walls and even windows.

I began to wonder how meticulous Levi wanted them to be after watching Jean circle his cleaning cloth over the same patch on the window fifty times over whilst looking out of it.

Curious I leaned up to peer out the window, following his eye line. Outside in the courtyard someone was dangling upside down from a tree wriggling in an attempt to get free. Their ODM gear was well and truly stuck having coiled itself around branches and even the cadets own legs.

"Maybe you should go help her." I nudged Jean.

"I can't. Captain Levi won't let me out till we're done cleaning." Jean replied still staring dreamily out the window.

Smiling I pushed open the window.
"He can't stop you if he doesn't know you left." Jean turned to me shocked that I would go against Levi so easily.

"Go be the knight in shining armour. I'll cover for you." I pushed Jean"s shoulder urging him to go out through the window.

He whispered a thank you and climbed out. He was lucky we were cleaning a ground floor classroom and not one higher up or else I wouldn't have reccomended he go out through the window.

I watched as he sauntered over nonchalantly and listened as he began to strike up conversation.

"I take it your fall from heaven didn't go as planned."

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