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Third Person's POV

Steve, Bucky, and their team went on many missions against Hydra and each time they came back victorious.

While they were on missions, Millie had been staying with Howard Stark. Most of their time they spent at the military home base where Howard worked, but he took her home each night to sleep as he was her acting guardian.

Every mission was the same – Bucky and Steve would spent some time with Millie before they'd go, Millie would spend the whole time worrying about them, and then they'd come over with a victory – that is, until one specific mission involving Arnim Zola and a train.

Millie knew what day and time they were supposed to be back and she anxiously waited for their return. She waited at the doors inside the base, just like she always did. But this time, when they returned, it was different.

Millie smiled when she saw Steve leading the rest of the Howling Commandos back inside. However, that smile soon faded when she caught no sign of Bucky.

"Dad, w-where's Bucky?" Millie asked him, her voice shaking nervously as she desperately hoped that there was a reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't there.

But as soon as Steve looked up from the ground, Millie knew the truth. His eyes were full of sorrow and guilt and his expression was one of grief.

Bucky Barnes was dead.

"No, no, no..." Millie shook her head in denial as she took a step back from him. She felt as though she couldn't breathe. Everything felt like it was caving in on her, and her vision became blurry because of all the tears that had grown in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Emilia." Steve's voice confirming her thoughts was the last straw for the young girl.

Millie had never felt so much grief or pain before. She felt as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders and the pain made it feel like she was going to implode. Her legs became unable to hold her and she fell to her knees sobbing.

Millie was never going to see him again. She would never get to hug him again or dance with him again. She would never see him smile again. He would never be there to comfort her again. He would never exist again. She would never get to watch him grow old.

As these thoughts swirled around her mind – as she felt all the grief and pain of losing one of the people she loved most in the world – Millie felt a rush of energy that she had never felt before.

She fell forward so that she was on her knees, but her hands were on the ground, keeping her from completely collapsing on the ground.

By this point, Steve was still in the room with her, but many people had gathered in the doorway, including Howard and Peggy.

Millie let out an ear-splitting scream filled entirely with pure pain and despair. As she did, the energy she felt flowing through her exploded outwards.

The floor beneath her hands cracked with a large snap, the flames from the candles in the other room grew immensely larger, all the water running through the pipes froze, and a blast of wind shot out of her, making everyone in the room and doorway fly backwards away from her.

Her mind didn't even process what she had done before she passed out, the blast of energy and the grief taking too big a toll on her to stay conscious.

Everyone that had been in a certain radius around her was now on the floor after being thrown back, looking over at the young girl in shock.

Steve was the first one up and he quickly rushed over to his daughter, falling onto his knees beside her. He pulled her onto his lap and worriedly checked her over.

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