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Third Person's POV

What the government decided to do with their new and only super soldier was to make him a symbol for the public to try and get people to buy bonds. They wouldn't let him actually fight, instead he was dressed in a costume, named him Captain America, and got him to put on a show in every major city in the US.

Steve took Millie with him as he travelled across the US as Captain America. If they weren't going to let him fight, then he wasn't going to be separated from his daughter again. She attended every show – she watched him punch 'Hitler' in the face over and over – and even went with him overseas to Italy when he was supposed to put on the show for soldiers over there.

"How many of you are ready to help me sick old Adolf on the jaw?" Steve spoke, but unlike the usual crowds, this crowd was silent in response.

"Okay. Uh... I need a volunteer." Steve said. "I already volunteered! How do you think I got here?" Someone from the audience shouted and everyone else laughed.

"Bring back the girls!" Someone shouted and the crowd cheered in agreement. Steve hesitated. "I think they only know the one song, but, um, I'll see what I can do."

Millie watched from the sidelines as Steve awkwardly stood on stage, looking around for the girls. She felt bad for him. Most crowds were much more engaging than this, though it made sense to her why this audience might not approve of Captain America as much.

"You do that, sweetheart." Someone spoke. "Nice boots, Tinker Bell!" Another person shouted, mocking him and making the rest of the audience laugh. "Come on, guys, we're all on the same team here." Steve tried to reason with them.

"Hey, Captain! Sign this!" Someone shouted and Millie realized just in time what the man was about to do and turned away so she wouldn't have to see him mooning the stage. The crowd cheered and people even started throwing stuff at Steve.

Steve quickly came off stage as the show girls went back on. Steve didn't say anything to Millie as he passed her, but he placed his hand on the top of her head and she walked with him.


Later that day, Millie was sitting with Steve behind the stage. It was pouring out but they were sitting under the cover of the stage, so they weren't getting soaked.

Steve was drawing in a notebook and Millie was leaning her head against his arm tiredly. It was getting fairly late in the evening and Millie was getting sleepy.

"Hello, Steve. Hello, Millie." A woman's voice spoke and Millie lifted her head off Steve's arm so they could both look at the woman. It was Peggy. Millie waved at her in greeting.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" Steve asked her as she sat down on a chest on the stage. "Officially, I'm not here at all. That was quite a performance." Peggy told him.

"Yeah. I – Uh, I had to improvise a little bit. The crowd I'm used to are usually more, uh, twelve." Steve replied. "I understand you're 'America's New Hope.'" Peggy said.

"Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state I visit." Steve told her. "Is that Senator Brandt I hear?" Peggy responded.

"At least he's got me doing this. Phillips would have had me stuck in a lab." Steve explained. "And those are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this, you know." Peggy told him.

"She's right." Millie whispered to her dad, agreeing with Peggy's statement. Steve just sighed. "You know, for the longest time, I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines, serving my country. I finally got everything I wanted and I'm wearing tights." Steve spoke, but before he could say anymore a car horn honked.

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