Part 23

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**Win's POV**

Josie: I was in the middle of doing some paper work for the front desk when she comes up to the window completely out of breath. "Mr. Metawin have you seen Cindy? Her parents are here to pick her up but we've looked everywhere and we can't find her."

Yes I changed my last name...

Win: I just placed the papers by the computer before leaving the little office to talk to her face to face. "Have you tried looking around the playground?"

Josie: She nods once before we both make our way toward the back. "I checked everywhere but I couldn't find her, we keep calling her name but she won't respond either. Your her favorite so I thought maybe you could find her."

Win: "Don't worry I have an idea where she could be."

The night Bright and Fluke got me out we drove a total of 14 hours out of town and ended up in this small town that one of Bright's old friends use to live. 

After getting here we used some of the money my father sent Bright to get a three bedroom apartment and for 6 months. After that he told the man to stop sending us money. I didn't want to feel like I was living off of him my entire life so all three of us vowed to get jobs and work to live in this small town. 

I started by volunteering at a daycare before all of the kids grew attached to me and the staff basically begged me to start working there. Ever since than I have been very busy trying to fix the system they had going on because it was terrible and before I knew it I was the vice manager in the span of a month. 

Apparently they reallyyyy needed the help...

Bright and Fluke became local doctors here and Bright tends to take a few cooking classes since I'm a picky eater and Fluke can't cook.

We've adapted to a small dynamic and I have almost been able to forget everything that has happened. 

Bright some how thinks he has to take care of me now, I have tried to tell him that I can take care of myself but he doesnt listen at all. 

Those two have become a family to me and I know I would probably be dead right now if they had never gotten me out. There are days I think about my other family but I don't regret my decision of cutting ties. 

It was just easier this way for everyone...

Letting out a sigh I walk through the screened doorways toward the tree that was awfully close to the roof of the building. 

Cindy has a habit of climbing trees and when she gets sad she climbs in so she can lay on the roof. I had caught her up there once when I was trying to get a ball down for one of my regular group of kids. 

Win: Grabbing the branch closest to me I begin to climb before glancing over to see if she was actually up here. There she is... "Hey little one your family is here to pick you up."

Cindy: She looked over at me and I could see that her eyes were rimmed red. "Hi mister Metawin..."

Win: Climbing the rest of the way up I carefully sit down next to her before laying down so I could see what she was seeing. "Did the other kids bully you again?"

Cindy: "They said my front teeth make me look like a rabbit..."

Win: "Now why would they say that? You have beautiful teeth."

Cindy: She sits up on one arm before pointing at her face as she opens her mouth. "Because there bigger than the others, see?"

Win: Her saying the word bunny while doing that made me think of something as I pull out my phone. "Well so what? Is it so bad to be a bunny? I think your teeth are cute."

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