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"I thought you juice boxed it out ages ago since you've been here for almost two decades. You are kind of stupid. And thanks to your stupidity, we have magic to find the ascendant," I present a toast and take a sip of red wine from the glass. Kai rolls his eyes at me, he lets the fork in his fingers down aggressively on his plate with a 'clink' sound.

"You know you can just do the spell and get the damn ascendant? Or, I can do the spell on my own. Just give me the magic," he proposed the idea. He wipes his mouth with a white cloth like the well-mannered gentleman he is.

"Nope! Finding magic was my idea, the right of using it is also mine," I know Kai must be getting more insane than he already is for not getting his hands-on magic. He hasn't touched magic in almost two decades. I, myself, am getting impatient to get my hands-on magic. I can only imagine how he is dealing with it.

"Okay! You can have some if there is any magic left after doing the spell," a childish smile breaks on his lips. His whole face lit up with joy.

"You are like a freaking baby," that instantly changes his expressions. Joyus to annoyed. I take away our empty plates and place them in the sink.

"I am not a baby. I am old enough to have a fucking baby,"

"That's right too. You look like an innocent child yet you also have a history of killing four children," I let out a laugh. He turns around after washing his hands. 

"Look at yourself. You also look like a 12-year-old, loving, innocent girl and you've killed 3 of your siblings, well, half-siblings and your father," I smirk at Kai's words. Yes, I did that, and I don't regret one bit of it.

"Also, both of our names mean messenger of God, like angels and here we are imprisoned for doing the most devilish deeds. We are the definition of devils in disguise," he smiles, his eyes follow my every move as he sits on his usual place, the kitchen counter and watches me do the dishes.

It's like a routine thing. I'd prepare breakfast, he'd cook lunch as I'd watch him, then we'd eat, and then reheat the leftovers and eat that in dinner and then I'd do the dishes while he'd watch me. Then we'd watch movies together and then go to sleep or fall asleep on the couch. I only find myself asleep on the couch when Kai is also asleep with me. Otherwise, he'd carry my dead sack body to my bed, well... Jo's bed.

The first night I fell asleep on the couch with Kai awake, he kicked me down to the ground for not waking up. Insert mentally crying here. After that night whenever I fell asleep while watching movies he'd put me on my bed.

I never thought of him as a caring type. Well... He is not. But he kinda is. I don't know, certainly.

Kai is a sociopath but he is still a human. He has feelings, he has little emotions, he does get hurt. He feels loyalty, anguish.

But he is not driven by love or guilt. He cannot love, he can not feel guilt. He is driven by anger.

But Kai also has immense patience and self-control that makes me wonder if he is a psychopath or not. Because sociopaths don't have much self-control, they are more spontaneous and unstable.

Loyalty seems to be the only good thing that is left to the sociopaths... And psychopaths. But they don't start being loyal to anyone easily. It takes a lot of time and effort. It would be pretty stupid when you actively put effort into something that you don't necessarily need, just to destroy it. If you hard earn a friendship you wouldn't want to lose it easily, without a fight. Moreover, if you double cross or hurt an individual a sociopath or a psychopath feels loyalty to you'd be double-crossing or hurting them. They feel it on themselves.

Loyalty is also practically the only key to get back at a sociopath.

I notice Kai pass a yawn but stays quiet. "Go to sleep," I tell him.

"You are night dreaming. You need sleep too," he pushes away the hair that had hung over his forehead and rubs his beautiful blues.

Which blues?

I am talking about his eyes, you freak.

A hint of blush creeps on my cheeks.

Which cheeks?

I try my best not to let the amusement flash through my expressions.

"Why are you all smiley all of a sudden? I don't understand you sometimes," he says, shaking his head.

I wash my hands one last time and pat them dry on a towel. Kai jumps down the counter and stands against me. He is way too close.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I ask appearing harsher than I intended.

"Meh! Nope," he puts his hand up to cup my face. Patting my left cheek a few times, he put his thumb on my right one and give me a light squeeze which causes a chuckle from me.


No movie tonight? Ok.


I woke up gasping for air. I can feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I snake my hand down to the area.


I hastily push the cover aside. Red blood stains on the white cover and my top. I press my lips harder, denying any whimper to leave my mouth. I clutch on the injured area, trying to stop the blood from flowing out anymore.

I climb down the bed. Every move I make the pain increases.  There is a trail of blood on the floor leading out of the door. I open the door to find Kai unconscious on the floor a few steps away.

I fall to the ground, hoping to die any second now.

I lay there for minutes, wishing for death to heal me but death never consumed me. I stare at Kai and helplessly stay still, not making any motions.

I see his eyes flicker before opening wide. I don't make any sound nor move. He grips his head and growls.

A whimper that I've been surpassing for so long finds an escape. Which attracts Kai's attention. His eyes trail down from my face to the bloody mess on my body.

He scoots towards me, putting my head on his lap. Lifting my top, he presses a hand down my injured abdomen. I let out an unsettling yell out due to pain.

"Just fucking kill me already," I growl at him. He gulps nothing, looking taken aback.

"It's not that bad. It won't kill you, Mia," Kai mumbles.

"Not that bad, you say. It hurts like a bitch," he stares at me and does nothing. "Kai, do it," I reach out to his hand and press it down to my air intake also known as my mouth and nose.

"I will come back. I came back every time. Do it, Kai," I encourage him. He licks lips and bits down onto his lower lip.

He finally closes my air intake letting me die.

Two Of A Kind ⍟ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now