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His face is so close. If I lean up or he leans down, it'd be a kiss.

"You zoned out again,"

"I know,"

"What is it that's bugging you?" He asks cupping my face.

He is not making it any easier.

"There's this voice in my head, that keeps telling me to do things I shouldn't," I answer.

"I have that in my head too. What is it telling you to do?"

"To fucking throw you out of the window,"

"Woah! You are lying again," he explains and flashes a shit-eating grin.

"C'mon, don't be like this. Why is your heart racing like that? Are you nervous? Am I making Hermia Elrod, the baddest bitch nervous?" he pushes my hair away from my face and leans in more toward my ear to whisper, "you want it, I want it. And I am right here,"

He doesn't pull back. I can feel his soft lips brush against my earlobe. He plants a soft kiss on the area under my ear. My heart skips a beat. He has me pressed against the door.

"Make a move, end it. Get what you want," Kai mutters against my skin.

He wants it because he hasn't gotten laid in almost two decades.

He snakes a hand on my waist to keep me close to his body and kisses his way to my jawline. My head automatically tilted, giving him access. I feel him smirk again my skin.

Butterflies, birds, bats whatever flying thing it is in my stomach, go wild. My fingers curl in his hair. He tightens his hand around my torso, pushing me more into his body.

"Give in to me," he mutters.

"No. I won't lose against you. I always win,"

"Then do it because you want it, you will win," he says before sucking the area on my neck. I feel like going crazy.

"You are very persuasive,"

"Am I?"

Choke on oxygen, I feel like it's going to happen.

I put my hand on either side of his head and pull him away from my neck. He frowns for a split second then I push him away. He has a smirk plastered on his face. Ass!

Oh? No?

I am not gonna give in.

"Let's go find the ascendant, Malachai," I tell him which he nods at.


We chose to start the search party with the Parker house. Kai searched in his parents' room while I scanned the baby twinzies' room, Jo's room, Joey's and the two other's. They are so irrelevant, I don't even remember their names.

I told him I wouldn't find shit in his siblings' rooms but he wanted he have the important areas so he gave me the dumb places.

I can just sit around and pretend I am searching because even a fucking squirrel knows that there is no useful thing in these rooms for us. Why waste energy on nothing?

It sucks to not have magic. But hey! I am not saying that I hate being a siphoner. I totally love who I am.

What if the ascendent is in the most gullible place? Where no one would find it? What if it's in some dirty diaper? Or what if Joshua hid it in his underwear drawer? What If it's inside a bathroom pipe? What if dismantled it and put the places in different places?

Then forget about going home.

I should have asked Lily where she found that ascendant.

But you were too occupied with Malcolm.

Go. Away.

"Couldn't find it yet. What about you? Any luck?" I didn't even notice when he appeared in the room. I simply shake my head at him.

I walk past him and make my way to his room. Pushing the door open, I set my feet in.

"Excuse you, what are you doing?" He asks.

"What if it's in your room?"

"What prison gives an inmate a key?"

"Exactly. That is the reason the inmates aka you and me are not supposed to look in your room for it. Joshua is a snarky little bitch. He would put the ascendant somewhere we won't look for," I bob my left eyebrow at him.

He takes his time to think. He nods, "I'll look for it in my room,"

"... Okay,"


"Another day went. Nothing got to our hands. That rhymes, right?" I ask nonchalantly.

"No. You are so annoying," he groans wiping his face with his hand. He gets up from the couch he was sitting on and stalks near me.

"Those rings make your hands look prettier," I compliment him. To which he forces a smile on his lips and replies with "Gee thanks,"

I turn around from the sink to find him standing right behind me. Like 5 centimetres away.

His eyes are darker than usual, lips agape. I gulp at the closeness, my heartbeat goes uneven. A smirk appears on his lips. "You want me,"

"In your dreams, little boy,"

"How long can you deny this feeling?" he asks, cupping my face.


"We'll see how that goes," I lower his hand by his side and grip his jaw.

"Don't start something you can't finish," he still has this stupid grin on.

I let go of him. "That was hot," he comments.

He lifts the lid of the pan. Steam rises up. He fiddles with the spatula for no reason.

He doesn't need a reason, he is Malachai Parker. He is like this.

"We are going to rot in 1994 forever and ever and ever," I say.

"Seems like you are losing hope,"

"Maybe I am, maybe I am not-" I was interrupted by a voice chanting for a second, "did you hear that?"

"Hear what exactly? This spatula making contact with the pan?" He points his spatula at me.

"No. There was a voice chanting for a second. It was very faint," I turn to look out the window.

"You are going on an extreme level of craziness," he shakes his head.

"I am not. What? You don't believe me? I heard the sound,"

"You must be hallucinating," I huff at his words.

I walk out of the front door and make my way to the backside. I noticed the water of the pool ripple. Then a "woosh" sound right beside me makes me swerve.

Feeling a hand press against my lips and pulled me back to a chest.

"You know what? I felt someone's presence too," Kai whispered. I push his hand away from me.

I look around. Everything's still. Just like how it was all the time. Whatever or whoever it was, it's gone. I can't feel it.

"It's gone," Kai had his hands buried in his pockets, smiling like an idiot.

"It's either someone from the other prisoner worlds escaped or someone was trying to contact us or something like that. It's not nothing,"

"Let's go back to the kitchen, shall we?" I nod at him.

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