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Monday, March 25, 1996,

"Come out, come out, Elias," I call out as I clutch the baseball bat in my hand.

A thumping sound attracts my attention, followed by the sound of his footsteps, my head whips to the side. I slow-walk toward him.

"Quit already, we've been doing this for the whole day. It's getting boring," he stumbles back, almost falling.

His chest was falling and rising due to heavy breathing. The fear in his face provided me with this indescribable ecstatic feeling. It felt tremendous to have him trembling, scarred for life. His life is in my hands. I can end it anytime I want.

"Please, you don't have to do this, Hermia. I am your brother, your family, your blood," his words cause me to laugh.

"My brother? My family? My blood? Are you kidding me? Where were you when our dad cut me out of the family when he found out I wasn't the perfect little witch he expected and when mom found me and was ready to accept me, he chased me away? Firstborns are supposed to grow up to be coven leaders, right? And look at me, no one even knew about me being the firstborn of the leader in the coven, they believed that Amell was the firstborn, when in reality, he is not," I stalk closer to him, he tries to motus me but it doesn't work. I siphoned his magic, I guess he hasn't recovered yet. What a pity!

"He got to have what I was supposed to have. He got everything, family, love, power, magic, respect. And what did I get? Being captive and away from family for the first 13 years of my life. When I escaped, I had to run, always paranoid that my father will get a hold of me and do the worst thing possible to me. But now, I am done running. I want what's mine. No one can stop me," I swing the bat, hitting his leg making him fall.

"I'll help you. Please, stop. I promise," he begs.

"Yeah, sure, brother. I believe you won't do shit. You won't help her with anything. I know you," Cecilia says walking in the darkroom and stumbles on the broken pieces of a chair. She holds her hands out as she balances back on her feet. My eyes do a quick roll.

"Hello, sister. Why are you here?" I ask.

"To help you, of course. Why else? I believe you should put an end to this chasing, it's been 5 hours," She yawns and hands me a knife.

"Cici! What are you doing? She will kill me. Are you out of your mind?" Elias speaks through her teeth. I knock him out by hitting his head with the bat. His body falls limp on the flood.

"The grimoires are in the car. My work is done here, bye. All the best," she kisses my head and hops her way out. Why is she like that? At least, help me drag his body out.

I drag Elias' body out of the broken house. There stands our father.

I smile wide. I let go of Elias' body and stand straight. Raising my hand to give my daddy dearest a magical headache. "Hello, Father,"

I should stab Elias and end him. And that's exactly what I did. A loud, dramatic "No" left father's mouth. He fell on his knees, I walk forward and motus him against the parked car Lia left. I held the knife against his throat.

Chanting from a distance was heard. I slit his throat, blood oozes out after spattering in my face. The volume of the chanting grew.

The chanting witches circle me. Ugh! these Geminis. I noticed two familiar faces with distressed expressions hidden behind the trees.

Levi and Cecilia.

Everything flashed white.

Prison World, May 10, 1994

I am no stranger to prison worlds. I've been getting in and out of them for more than 15 years now. I have no connection to the real world ever since I was sent away.

Last time I used an ascendent I get sent to another prison world. After escaping 6 prisons, here I am stuck in 1994.

I am guessing it's the last one since I was sent away in 1996 and 1994 was the latest prison world made by the Gemini coven back then.

I haven't been met with any prisoner yet. I was thrown here 7 months ago after I freed the big bad mosquito. The Kol Mikaelson.

The amount of time I was killed by him in that world is uncountable. I learned how to keep up with his fragile ego, his humour and his enormous amount flirtation. The key to getting out of that world was none other than me. Yep, me. My magic. It took me 25 months to find out.

Well, I was alone for almost 20 months in that prison until the white light flashed and threw Kol in it, he was being tormented by the hunter's curse and was on a killing spree. To stop him, he was sent to a prison world by a coven of witches. He was my magic juice box and I was his blood bag. He was there for like, what? 5 months? Then we escape. I mean, he escaped and I got sent here.

He must have reunited with his family, living his best immortal life.

Or not, who knows?

I drove all the way from Crater Lake to Portland. Almost 5 hours driving, including the breaks in between at Eugene and Salem.

The car started smoking after I hit a pole with it, then it caught fire. Thank fuck there was a fire hydrant near or else I'd be poofed into the air and then my tiny little pieces will have to find each other and make me come back to life.

Now I stand before mother's house. A white house with grey pained roofs. I was supposed to come to this house to meet mom after killing dad but with bad luck, I got sent to a prison world.

I take a few steps forward, take in the interior of the house. Finding my way to the kitchen, I open the fridge. No leftovers. Which means I have to cook.

The thing I love the most about prison worlds is that mosquitoes don't exist here. Useless bloodsucking little-

One of the things I hate about prison worlds is that there are no working restaurants. I have to cook for myself.

No meat in the fridge. Not even fish. I wonder if my mom was vegetarian or something. Because there is no non-veg. All I see is veggies. Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli and bread. What am I going to do with these? Feed the caterpillars. Oh wait, they don't exist here. I laugh at the mental image of me hand-feeding a caterpillar. My nose scrunch up at the thought of actually eating  these greens.

I guess I'll have to go on a grocery shopping phase.

I don't know why but I feel like walking. I exit the house and-

Now what? I don't even know if there is any grocery store near. If there is, where is it? Whatever. I'll just raid another house then.

I walk around the empty streets, under the sunlight.

"Ew," I couldn't help but cringe at the sight of the house of the leader of the Gemini coven. The Parker house.

I wander around a little more until I come to a decent looking house.

Two Of A Kind ⍟ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now